The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 779 Dreaming Again

Chapter 779 Dreaming Again
After helping Yu Zaizai to wash her face and feet, Yu Jinxiao asked Aunt Chen to change into her fluffy pajamas.

The little cub lying on the bed playing with the phone and watch is like a fluffy kitten, especially when walking on all fours, it is completely like a little snowball.

After washing up, the little cub obediently retreated behind the quilt, and suddenly stretched out his claws to pat the side of the bed: "Baba~~ Can we leave after Yuanyuan falls asleep? Yuanyuan is a little scared!"

Thinking of Xiao Zai Zai being held hostage today, this relatively calm look is no longer easy.

Yu Jinxiao curled up his slender body, and sat on the small bench beside the bed: "Well, you sleep, I will stay here with you."

"Baba, the silver knife in black clothes is on Yuanyuan's neck today," Yu Yuanyuan touched her neck with her small hand, "Yuanyuan feels chilly now!"

Yu Jinxiao checked it long ago, and found that Yu Yuanyuan's neck was fine, without any injuries.

All the injuries were concentrated on Shen Ji alone.

In the dead of night, the darkness in her heart began to creep in. Yu Jinxiao knew that she might start to scare herself.

He raised his hand and tucked the quilt around Yu Yuanyuan's neck next to each other, wrapping her like a small bean emerging from a silkworm chrysalis.

"Is it still cold?"

"It doesn't seem so cold anymore."

"You feel cold because of air leakage, lie down obediently and don't lift the quilt."

"Okay." Saying that, Xiao Zai Zai obediently closed his eyes.

Yu Jinxiao dimmed the light of the desk lamp, took out his mobile phone and accompanied him silently.

But after playing with the phone for a few minutes, he felt eyes staring at him.

There are only him and Yu Yuanyuan in this room, who else could it be?
Yu Jinxiao, who was pretending to be looking at his mobile phone, shifted his gaze a little, and saw Yu Zaizai peeking at him secretly.

First, he opened his eyes a little, then closed them quickly, and after a while, he opened them again for a look, and then closed them again.

"Yu Yuanyuan, don't think I didn't notice it." Yu Jinxiao put away his phone, and simply moved closer to let her take a sneak peek.

"Ah, I was discovered by Baba," Yu Yuanyuan shrank into the quilt, and whispered, "Yuanyuan just checked to see if Baba left."

"I said I would accompany you, go to sleep."

His tone sounded cold, but that big warm hand patted Xiao Zai Zai's forehead lightly, warmly dispelling the coolness in the air.

"Then... that Yuanyuan is sorry." With Baba's assurance, Yu Zaizai closed his eyes in peace.

Less than 10 minutes later, it suddenly opened again, but the sleepiness in the eyes was obvious.

Taking a small glance, Yu Zaizai fell asleep again.

Glancing again, he fell asleep again.

During this sleep, the familiar sound of even breathing finally sounded.

A heated room can easily induce drowsiness.

Recently, he was very tired from work, and Yu Jinxiao would fall asleep as soon as he got home every day, without dreaming all night.

Especially, now I still listen to the very hypnotic chirps in Yu Zaizai's ear.

Yu Jinxiao wanted to get up and go back to his room several times, but when he thought about the fact that the little boy was held by a knife around his neck today, he was already very pitiful. If he woke up in the middle of the night...

Thinking about it this way, Yu Jinxiao decided to stay a little longer, and wait until she fell asleep a little more.

After the wheezing little cub fell asleep, he dreamed again.

She keenly felt that this dream was not an ordinary dream!
In the dream, the grown-up brothers Yun Lan and Yun Qing reappeared, neither of them died, and appeared very happily on... Eh, on the TV?
 Update 20 chapters today, please recommend tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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