The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 780 Own "Masterpiece"

Chapter 780 Own "Masterpiece"

A beautiful elder sister was holding a microphone to let Brother Yunqing and Brother Yunlan talk, and Yu Yuanyuan seemed to have seen Mo Susu in a corner behind.

Their faces were smiling happily, completely different from what they had dreamed last time!
When the picture turned, it seemed to be Dad's office again. Mo Susu was walking in from the outside, sitting at the desk with a smile on his face and talking to Dad.

Although there is not much content conveyed in the picture, Xiao Zai Zai's heart is suddenly excited by this seemingly peaceful and ordinary scene.

She... She seems to have succeeded? ?

If this dream is the feedback that proves that she helped her father, then can she try...

Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to open her eyelids, woke up from the dream, and stared blankly at the ceiling for a long time before she managed to regain her soul.

She thought her father had gone back to her room, but...but her father was still by the bed with her!
"Baba~ Yuanyuan seems to have succeeded, *&...%@#¥?"

Oh shit, I'm stuck again!
The dream just now was indeed a premonition...a precognitive dream! !
It seems that she has helped Baba!

But how did she help?

Yu Zaizai shook his head, he couldn't think of what he had done, why did he suddenly change things in the future?

Although he doesn't understand, Xiao Zai Zai knows how to enjoy success.

She giggled and made up her mind to open her favorite fudge tomorrow!

And eat off that crunchy biscuit!

After planning the snacks for tomorrow after planning in his heart, Xiao Zai Zai laughed happily, grabbing the corner of the quilt and giggling.

After being happy, Yu Zaizai quietly glanced at his father again, and found that his father was very quiet... actually fell asleep early.

The upright body was obviously displeased with the angle of the bench, half leaning against the wall, with arms folded, falling asleep in a very defensive position.

Jiang Zi sleepy report will catch a cold Da!

Xiao Zai Zai slipped out of the quilt, looking for something to cover Yu Jinxiao.

The little figure was busy for a while, then patted its paws, and returned to its own bed to lie down contentedly.

With Baba by my side, I feel a sense of security when knocking on the level!
Yu Yuanyuan couldn't help thinking of the fairyland in the past.

At that time, there were always cubs missing nearby, and the cub was afraid that he would be taken away suddenly.

But Baba follows her and her brothers inseparably every day, as long as he sees Baba's dark figure, Yu Zaizai feels at ease.

"Hehehe, Yuanyuan will take care of Baba too." Xiao Zaizai retracted into the quilt, turned his head and took another look at his "masterpiece", and closed his eyes contentedly.

I don't know how long I slept.

Yu Jinxiao woke up with pain in his lower back, back, and body.

Subconsciously glanced at the phone, it was already past 5 in the morning, and it was time to get up soon.

He actually slept all night on the bench beside Xiao Zai Zai's bed!
Xiaotangyuan's room has heating, but it doesn't feel cold, but the bench is short and hard, and sitting on it to sleep feels like the whole person is about to fall apart.

For a moment, Yu Jinxiao even wanted to lay down on the carpet next to her and sleep for a while.

As soon as he remembered to move his muscles and bones, Yu Jinxiao felt as if something was pressing on his body.

It's light weight, but it seems to be...everywhere.

He froze when he was about to get up, he lowered his head and glanced down...

His legs were covered with Yu Yuanyuan's little trousers, his knees were covered with Yu Yuanyuan's little coat, and his thighs were covered with Yu Yuanyuan's little skirt.

Even the body is divided into skirts, pants, coats...

What are you doing?
Is this a jigsaw puzzle?

(End of this chapter)

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