The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 781 She Has Secrets From Him Since She Was Only 3 Years Old

Chapter 781 She Has Been Keeping Secrets From Him Since She Was Only Three Years Old

One after another, small clothes and skirts were covered on Yu Jinxiao's body, as if he had pieced together a quilt.

This little cub actually woke up in the middle of the night?And covered him with clothes?

Is it because he is cold?

Yu Jinxiao touched his sore muscles, thanking her for her thoughtfulness.

If I had known earlier, it would be better to wake him up and let him go back to sleep.

The little guy under the quilt slept soundly, with a pouty face, whimpering, and his long eyelashes trembling slightly.

It's just... the sleeping posture is not very good, while dreaming, the claws are still dancing from time to time.

Seeing her movements, Yu Jinxiao knew that she was taking food.

When Aunt Chen came to wake Xiao Zai Zai up, she pushed the door open and was taken aback when she saw Yu Jinxiao sitting by the bed.

At this point in time...

Did Mr. Yu get up early, or did he not go back to his room at all?
The accident yesterday made everyone terrified. After the big-hearted Yu Zaizai cried, Mo Yanrui made a fuss again, and almost forgot the fright at that time.

But children are always children.

When it gets dark and the house is quiet, you may also think of the fear that has been forgotten.

Not to mention children, some adults are similar.

"Baba~~Are you cold?" Yu Zaizai asked eagerly, rubbing his eyes just as he got out of the bed.

Yu Jinxiao got up and asked Aunt Chen to dress her: "It's not cold."

"Hey hey hey, it all depends on the clothes of the round cover~~~"

He really didn't understand how the little glutinous rice balls could be associated with his own credit from his answer.

However, Yu Jinxiao did not deny that he was a little moved when he saw the pile of things on his body when he woke up.

Although this little guy is still so young, he knows how to take care of him.

When covering the little clothes last night, he must have worked hard to make a solid layer for him.

A picture involuntarily appeared in front of my eyes——

Yu Zaizai climbed out of bed with pouted, took out the clothes, skirts and trousers that he could get from the closet one by one, and covered him one by one.

She must have climbed onto the bed cover on purpose for the heart and shoulders, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get it given her height.

Although the situation where the clothes were put together was a bit funny, he received Xiao Zai Zai's kindness.

Hula Hula wash up, get dressed, the chubby little Zai Zai walked downstairs with his schoolbag on his back.

Yu Jinxiao followed behind the whole time, and when she heard her singing the song about eating six bowls of rice, she seemed in a good mood.

Even though something scary happened yesterday, why is she still in a good mood?
"Yu Yuanyuan, are you very happy today?" Yu Jinxiao tried calmly.

The little cub, who didn't have any scheming, bared his teeth proudly: "Hey hey, Yuanyuan is happy to be knocked out today!"


"Because *&...@%¥@!"

"What?" Yu Jinxiao frowned and repeated.


Yu Jinxiao: "..." Why did he feel like he was being tricked by that little glutinous rice ball?

"Forget it, Yuanyuan can't talk too much, Baba, let's eat quickly." Xiao Zaizai climbed up to the seat, and Aunt Chen immediately brought her breakfast, wiped her paws clean and started eating.

The curious Yu Jinxiao petrified on the spot! ! !
Only three years old! !

She started keeping secrets from him when she was only three years old? ?

Did something happen that he didn't know after he fell asleep last night?

Well, I can't sleep tonight.

After sending the cub to the kindergarten, Yu Jinxiao seemed careless, but from time to time he remembered the happy secret she didn't tell in the morning.

Until Mo Yanrui's arrival broke his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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