The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 782 I want to give Yuanyuan a gift

Chapter 782 I want to give Yuanyuan a gift

"Mr. Yu!" As soon as he stepped into the door of the office, Mo Yanrui could hardly contain his excitement.

Seeing his easy steps and high-spirited appearance, Yu Jinxiao knew that the matter of Yue Han should be almost handled.

"Yuanyuan is such a mascot," Mo Yanrui couldn't wait to sigh, "Thanks to her, otherwise I... I might really go bankrupt."

Last night, Mo Yanrui sent people to investigate those companies and managers along the direction of Yu Jinxiao's investigation. Sure enough, as Yu Jinxiao said, each one is a trap with a ring.

After he signed and sealed, they began to arrange for the relevant personnel to escape.

All of this seemed to be a huge trap laid out for him, and even the retreat was so methodical.

"Yue Han only came for you and me this time." Mo Yanrui was happy for less than a second, and immediately put on a fierce and gnashed expression, "I'm afraid someone is coming after us."

"I have asked Gao Zhou to investigate, but the other party is very careful and has no useful clues for the time being."

"The murderer is gone too," Mo Yanrui touched his chin, slapped the table and said, "I have already offered a reward of 500 million, as long as he is caught, we will know what happened."

Yu Jinxiao glanced at him, and replied calmly: "I also asked Gao Zhou to offer a reward of 1000 million for his capture."

"Ah..." Mo Yanrui was suddenly a little embarrassed by the huge price difference.

Although he really wanted to kill the killer who wanted to kill him, but he almost went bankrupt and learned to be thrifty overnight.

There must be a degree in everything.

More or less money is money, and it is worth cherishing.

"However, there is little hope. He may have been silenced by the black hands behind the scenes." Yu Jinxiao actually did not hold out any hope.

Such a series of plans, one after the other, must have been arranged very early on.

The people, time, and money involved are more complicated than they imagined.

Since someone expended so much energy to deal with them, he must have already prepared the way to deal with the failure.

The killer who failed to assassinate...

It may have been lying at the bottom of the ocean, or buried in some rugged and uninhabited mountain.

"It's really strange, I didn't offend anyone, why did you spend so much energy to mess with me?" Mo Yanrui didn't sleep last night, with his eyes open, he thought hard all night and couldn't figure it out.

Although he has a bad temper, but in the business field, there has always been fair competition, so it will attract people to use such a large means to plot against him? ? ?

Mo Yanrui really didn't understand.

Yu Jinxiao was calm from the beginning to the end.

Because the opponent's target should not be Mo Yanrui, but him.

Mo Yanrui is just a tool man in the plan.

The original plan should have been to make Mo Yanrui go bankrupt, buy all his companies and shares at a low price, and borrow the killer to make Yu Jinxiao suspect of buying murder.

Even if he can't sit down, it can cause him trouble, and it can also cause a wave of ferment on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly terrifying plan was defeated by Yu Yuanyuan.

Well, all failures started with the ink that Yu Yuanyuan accidentally kicked down.

"Well, if Mr. Yu finds any clues, we can exchange them at that time. In short, this matter is aimed at both of us. We must not let that guy get away with his body." Mo Yanrui gritted his teeth and cursed.

Yu Jinxiao was very calm: "Yes."

This opponent is not easy, clues or something... I am afraid it will be nothing.

"By the way, Mr. Yu, I want to give Yuanyuan a present."

(End of this chapter)

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