The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 783 Let Brother Shen Ji Live in Yuanyuan's House

Chapter 783 Let Brother Shen Ji Live in Yuanyuan's House

Yu Yuanyuan did him such a big favor, Mo Yanrui wished he could marry his son.

However, the matter of marriage has been mentioned before, and Mo Yanrui doesn't want to mention the rejection of others.

"Give... what?" Yu Jinxiao had a bad feeling.

"I'm being arranged by someone," Mo Yanrui patted his heart, seemingly confident, "Yuanyuan will definitely like it."

After all, Mo Yanrui hurried back to the company for a meeting, and continued to discuss the follow-up series of resolution procedures regarding the Yuehan matter.

Yu Jinxiao looked at the back of him leaving, feeling more and more ominous in his heart.

He shouldn't be sending any weird things, right?
Yu Zaizai, who was obediently attending class in the kindergarten, suddenly sneezed cutely.

Eyes squeezed into a slit, slowed down for a long time.

"Yuanyuan, are you cold? I can wear my coat for you!" Gu Beiyan immediately took off his coat, only put on a small white shirt, and spread the coat on Yu Zaizai's back.

Xiao Zai Zai saw it, and immediately waved his hands and pushed back: "No, Bei Yan will get sick, Yuan Yuan is not cold."

"You're already sneezing, put it on!" Bei Yan pushed the coat back in front of her again.

"No, Bei Yan will freeze and wash off."

"Yuanyuan wears."

"Northern dialect."

The two pushed back and forth, and Chu Qi finally couldn't help it: "Sneezing may not necessarily be due to cold, it may also be due to an itchy nose, allergies and other reasons."

"Have... allergies?" Gu Beiyan, who has always been in good health, doesn't know what allergies are at all.

"It just makes you feel uncomfortable when you touch or smell that thing."

Just when Gu Beiyan was thinking in astonishment, Yu Yuanyuan had already pushed back the clothes for him to put on.

"Yuanyuan is very strong," Yu Zaizai patted his belly, proudly emphasizing, "Yesterday Yuanyuan met a bad guy, but Yuanyuan is fine."

As soon as she finished speaking, she remembered how she cried when she was held hostage, and it was only thanks to Shen Ji's brother that she could escape.

And worriedly added: "I don't know what happened to brother Shen Ji~"

"Ah? What's wrong with Shen Ji?" Gu Beiyan put down the water glass and asked.

"he is injured."

"Injured? Did you cut your finger while peeling fruit?" For a child, this amount of injury is not too small.

But after Yu Yuanyuan recounted what happened last night, the children were dumbfounded in shock, and even Wen Zifei, who was used to seeing big scenes on weekdays, found it inconceivable.

"Yuanyuan..." Gu Beiyan held her claws together, "If Dafu is not dead, there must be troubles in the future!"

Chu Qi lifted her lips in disdain: "What nonsense are you talking about? Survive a catastrophe without dying."

"Oh." Gu Beiyan shrank his neck in embarrassment.

Originally, he wanted to imitate the comforting method in the TV series to comfort Yu Yuanyuan, but the moment he opened his mouth, it became another meaning.

Thinking of Shen Ji's brother's injured hand, Xiao Zaizai looked at his paws: "Shen Ji's brother is injured, so he can't write? It's not easy to hold a spoon for eating, and he can't do many things. "

"The family will take care of him." Wen Zifei waved his hand, thinking that Yu Yuanyuan's worry was unnecessary.

Yu Zaizai was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly stood up excitedly: "But brother Shen Ji's uncle, aunt, brother and sister are very bad to him! It's over, will they not take care of brother Shen Ji, then... then In that case, brother Shen Ji will have a hard time."

"Ah? No way?" Wen Zifei grew up in a honey pot since he was a child, and couldn't understand some families with weak feelings.

"There is a way," Xiao Zai Zai clapped his paws, "Let brother Shen Ji live in Yuan Yuan's house, and Yuan Yuan can take care of him~ He was injured only to save Yuan Yuan."

(End of this chapter)

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