The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 784 Will be so sad, so sad, so sad, so sad

Chapter 784 Will be so sad, so sad, so sad, so sad
"How can it be! Yuanyuan is still so small, she can't be taken care of well!" Gu Beiyan exclaimed.

He didn't deliberately look down on Yu Yuanyuan for being unable to take care of Shen Ji, it's just...just that he didn't want Yuanyuan and Shen Ji to live together.

"Yuanyuan's family still has servants, so there is always someone who can take care of them." Chu Qi, who is usually thoughtful, felt that this idea was a bit naive, but so what?
They were just kids!
After being teased by Chu Qi, Gu Beiyan immediately stopped talking.

Yu Yuanyuan was still immersed in what she thought was a clever proposal, complacent, and couldn't wait to go home after school to give Baba a suggestion.

But today, Gao Susu was the only one who came to pick her up after school, Xiao Zaizai pinched her claws, anxiously waiting for her father to come home.

"Gao Susu, when will Baba become rich?" Yu Zaizai nestled in the children's chair, poking his head hard and asking.

Gao Zhou recalled what happened yesterday, and thought that Yu Yuanyuan had no sense of security: "Mr. Yu said he would be back in an hour at the latest! Is there anything wrong with Miss Yuanyuan? If I can help, I can do it .”

"It's okay, it's okay~ Yuanyuan just ask~" Although Xiao Zai Zai is young, he also knows that this proposal must have his father's consent.

Gao Zhou, who was driving, glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time.

Miss Yuanyuan is really strong!

Such a terrible thing happened yesterday, but today I don't seem to be afraid anymore, and it looks like normal.

He admired Yu Yuanyuan a little more.

Sending the little cub back to the yard, and carrying the little body to the villa, Gao Zhou suddenly felt very scared.

He was also the one who picked Miss Yuanyuan home yesterday.

But nothing happened on the way home, and nothing happened at the gate of the courtyard, but an accident happened in the villa area.

If he was here, Miss Yuanyuan would not be held hostage by the bad guys.

Gao Zhou stayed up all night last night, and has been investigating the situation of the man in black.

Dare to hold Miss Yuanyuan hostage, he must find this person!
"Gao Susu, are you going to accompany Yuanyuan in today?" Xiao Zai Zai was a little surprised, patting Gao Zhou's shoulder with his claws, his voice full of curiosity.

"Uncle Gao wants to see that Miss Yuanyuan returns home safely, so I don't worry." Putting the little boy on the steps of the villa, Gao Zhou squatted down and packed her schoolbag, "Recently, Miss Yuanyuan has been obediently at home , don’t go to other places to play for the time being, okay?”

Thinking of the accident that happened yesterday afternoon, Xiao Zai Zai suddenly opened his eyes in panic, squatted into a ball, and shrank into the shadow of Gao Zhou's body: "Is there still bad silver?"

"Yesterday's villain hasn't been caught yet," Gao Zhou emphasized with a serious expression, and then immediately patted Yu Zaizai on the shoulder, as if he was having a conversation between adults, "but don't worry, I will protect Miss Yuanyuan! "

The eyes of the small figure in front of him were wide open, and the light in them was clear and pure.

Yu Zaizai stared blankly at Gao Zhou for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and threw himself into Gao Zhou's arms: "Gao Susu! You can't get hurt! Be careful!" "If you get hurt, Yuanyuan will be very sad, very sad, very sad."


This little tone is so pitiful!

But there is sincerity in Gaozhou's heart.

To him, Yu Yuanyuan is Mr. Yu's daughter and also his master.

But at this moment, what he felt was a kind of equal care, sincere without any impurities.

"I promise Miss Yuanyuan, I will definitely not get hurt!" Gao Zhou stretched out his little finger and slightly bent it, "Hook your hand."

(End of this chapter)

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