The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 791 Why did it suddenly become like this?

Chapter 791 Why did it suddenly become like this?

Good guy, she copied the routine that Yu Mingxi, Yu Jinxiao, and Aunt Chen used to her on Shen Ji.

Uncle Yang originally wanted to persuade Xiao Zai Zai to leave, but when he met Shen Ji's gaze, those gentle eyes clearly said silently "it's okay".

"Is it time for Yuanyuan to go to bed?" Shen Ji put down the things on his body, squatted down and talked with the little figure in front of him at eye level.

Without waiting for an answer, Yu Yuanyuan yawned big.

"Yes~ I told brother Shen Ji the story before going to bed, and Yuanyuan went to bed~" Those big eyes had been taken over by sleepiness, but she still insisted on telling the story.

Shen Ji glanced at Uncle Yang, folded his clothes and lay down on the bed, cooperatively pretending that he was going to sleep soon: "Then trouble Yuanyuan to tell a story."

Uncle Yang was a little unbelievable.

He knew that Shen Ji doted on Miss Yuanyuan, but could he accept this slightly shameful way of coaxing a child?

One willing to fight and one willing to endure, Uncle Yang sighed, quietly exited the room and waited next door.

He will help Shen Ji change clothes and wash later.

But the most urgent thing is to let Miss Yuanyuan finish telling the bedtime story first.

"Jie is a story about a little friend looking for Tuji," Yu Yuanyuan sat on the small bench in a dignified manner, "Oh, no, it's a story about little Tuji looking for friends."

Shen Ji lay neatly, even if he knew she was wrong, he would not correct her.

"There is a little rabbit, Ji, who lives alone in the forest..."

Accompanied by the sound of Yu Yuanyuan's milk whistling, it really has a hypnotic effect.

I don't know whether to tell Shen Ji a bedtime story or to hypnotize myself, the little milk's voice became slower and slower, and finally stopped altogether, her small body swayed from side to side, and her eyes were closed.

In the end, almost instinctively made a vague sound, finally, the story is over!

Yu Zaizai struggled to stand up, imitating Yu Jinxiao and patted the quilt for Shen Ji: "Good night, brother Shen Ji~~"

The extremely sleepy little figure staggered out the door.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Uncle Yang poked his head into the corridor.

The ball figure in sight was swaying towards the bedroom instinctively, and he immediately called Aunt Chen to take care of the cub.

After Yu Yuanyuan settled down, Uncle Yang knocked on Shen Ji's door to help him change and wash.

This child is very polite. When he thinks of what happened to him, Uncle Yang feels sorry for him.

"You don't need to wear gloves at home." Uncle Yang saw that his other hand was still wearing a black glove, so he said casually, "Anyway, there are no outsiders."

At first, he thought that Shen Ji had something to hide, and he didn't want this child to put such unnecessary worldly pressure on him.

Shen Ji shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's okay, Uncle Yang, I'm used to it, and I'll feel more comfortable this way."

Now that he said so, Uncle Yang didn't force him to step out of his comfort zone, he washed Shen Ji's face and poured water to make sure that he didn't need his help before saying good night and leaving the room.

When he was the only one left in the room, the smile on Shen Ji's face disappeared, replaced by a trace of doubt and apprehension.

His eyes fell on his right hand, and his eyes gradually became darker.

Why did it suddenly become like this?

After the injury yesterday, he felt a strange feeling in his right hand all the time, as if... suddenly became quiet.

The doctors and nurses who treated his wound accidentally touched his fingers several times, but nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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