Chapter 792
At least, the doctor changed his dressing today. He didn't hurt or hurt. He walked naturally and talked and laughed happily. It didn't look like a reaction after bad luck.

Besides, every time someone touched his hand, the bad luck would come quickly, and it wouldn't take a whole day to wait.

It seemed that the unlucky mysterious power that he hated in ordinary times poured out the moment his hand was injured, and flowed cleanly.

Shen Ji wasn't sure if his left hand would be affected, and he didn't want to try others casually.

But at least the right hand seems safe for now.

Oh, so what if it's safe?He is now wrapped like a zongzi, and it seems that he will not be able to touch others for the time being.

I don't know if such a change is a good thing or a bad thing, Shen Ji has long learned to coexist with Yu Yuanyuan under the influence of it.

Suddenly that power seemed to disappear partly, and he was not used to it at all.

However, during this time in Yu's house, at least he didn't have to worry about his hands causing trouble to others.

The little cub who walked back to the bedroom by instinct had already fallen asleep.

That night she slept deeply, without even having a dream.

In order to tell Shen Ji a bedtime story, she went to bed a bit late, and almost didn't get up the next morning.

After being woken up by Aunt Chen, the eyes of Zaizai stared straight, like a mechanical doll that can be manipulated by others, and Aunt Chen let Aunt Chen dress him.

After washing, she smelled the faint smell of food wafting from the door, and raised her head excitedly: "Auntie, are you eating a sandwich this morning?"

"Wow, Miss Yuanyuan is really amazing, I knew it without even going downstairs to see it." Aunt Chen scratched her nose in surprise.

Yu Yuanyuan smiled "hehehe", and walked downstairs happily.

Before she sat at the dining table, she saw Shen Ji who was already sitting.

The small body stopped abruptly in front of the dining table.

"Brother Shen Ji, why are you in Jieli!!!" Xiao Zai Zai, who was completely awake from sleep, asked in surprise.

These words stunned Shen Ji.

Yu Jinxiao took a sip of coffee calmly, and looked at her coldly: "Shen Ji will be staying here recently to recuperate from his injuries, you just slept all night and you forgot?"

ah?Oh oh!
Yu Zaizai's little brain finally turned around, recovering the memory of last night.

Ah duck, I'm so sleepy in the morning, my brain hasn't reacted yet.

Being exposed by someone suddenly, Yu Zaizai pretended to smile nonchalantly, and greeted Shen Ji with his hands in his hands: "Brother Shen Ji, leave home~~"

"Good morning." Shen Ji replied with a smile.

It was the first time for Shen Ji to see the drowsy little cub in the morning.

Speaking of eating, Yu Yuanyuan is a master at self-reliance.

She climbed onto the chair, without the worry and urging of others, obediently cooked the meal by herself, and quickly cleaned up the breakfast prepared by Aunt Chen.

"Brother Shen Ji, do you want to go to school together?" Little Cub's claw desperately pointed towards the door, "Gao Susu will come to pick up Yuanyuan~ We can go together~~~"

Although it is on the way, Shen Ji's school is near Yu Yuanyuan's kindergarten, but...

Shen Ji always felt that he had troubled them too much.

Not only Yu Jinxiao, but also other people. Everything they gave him seemed to be a mountain of kindness that could not be repaid.

"Anyway, I have to send Yu Yuanyuan off, so you go with her." Yu Jinxiao knew what he was thinking, and cut off Shen Ji's politeness with one sentence.

Shen Ji's throat suddenly became a little sore.

He wanted to say something, but felt that the words of gratitude were so weak.

The man sitting at the head of the table may be a scary and stressful existence in the eyes of others, but he has given Shen Ji too much help and care, so much that he feels that it is difficult for him to repay.

Shen Ji never wanted to owe others, but found that he owed Yu's family more and more.


As usual, Gu Beiyan looked at Yu Yuanyuan's figure at the school gate.

He just watched Yu's car parked on the side of the road, first Gao Zhou got out of the car, Yu Yuanyuan was carried down, the rear window was rolled down, Shen Ji clearly sat inside!

Shen Ji... Really went to Yuanyuan's house to live? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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