The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 796 I love plucking!

Chapter 796 I love plucking!

"Yuanyuan knew that Baba would come, Yuanyuan is so happy~"

Behind the happy, there is also a small heart clumsily drawn.

Cute and cute, just like the little body in the quilt.

Yu Jinxiao paused his reading, shifted his gaze to Xiao Zai Zai, and involuntarily patted that round body lightly with his palm.

His movements are light and gentle.

I want to touch this little glutinous rice ball lightly at this moment, but I am afraid of disturbing her deep dream.

After placing his palm on her body, Yu Jinxiao shook the letter with one hand and continued to read.

"Yuanyuan knows that Baba is good at leveling Yuanyuan, and Baba never beats Yuanyuan, nor scolds Yuanyuan..."

Seeing Yu Jinxiao's eyes, even the immature words made his heart shrink continuously.

A strange feeling is gradually spreading.

The blood flowed to the brain, making his eye sockets feel hot for no reason.

"Yuanyuan also knows that Baba is often happy for Yuanyuan, and will agree to things that other people seem to be inappropriate. Yuanyuan didn't know it before, but now he knows."

"Thank you, Baba, for including Rong Yuanyuan's willfulness!"

Probably because some characters were too complicated, and Yu Yuanyuan couldn't write well, so she replaced them with pinyin.

Yu Jinxiao knew at a glance that Shen Ji taught her to write these.

What pinyin does this little glutinous rice ball understand?

"Yuanyuan hopes that Baba can live a hundred million years and be with Yuanyuan forever."

"Yuanyuan, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most..."

"...I love Baba the most!"

The last word was written for half a page, and in the end the last word was deformed to the point of flying.

Yu Jinxiao looked at the "most" full of words, and he didn't know when a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Under the dim light, the little face was lying on the pillow, squeezed round and round, sleeping soundly.

The sound of hula hula breathing, accompanied by occasional piggy-like humming.

In the past, Yu Jinxiao would definitely laugh at her voice, but today, he was thinking about something different.

This little boy actually knew what he was thinking.

How did she know?
She is so sensible at only three years old, wouldn't she be...

Yu Jinxiao suddenly felt a strange sense of accomplishment.

Maybe this is the joy of raising children.

Watching a little child grow up slowly is not only a gradual increase in stature, but also a psychological change.

Maybe after many years she will become rebellious and alienated from herself.

But at least at this moment, his little glutinous rice balls understand him and love him.

It seems that this little bit of sugar is enough for him to remember for a long time.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly couldn't bear to get up and leave, carefully folded the letter, and gently squeezed it in his palm.

It must have taken this little boy a lot of time to write so many words.

It takes a long time to draw even random symbols, she is still so young, and she is not yet proficient in controlling the pen.

The clumsy little figure lying on the desk involuntarily appeared in front of her eyes, and Shen Ji was talking softly beside her, while she concentrated on tracing the shape of each word bit by bit on the paper.

Yu Jinxiao could deeply feel Xiao Zai Zai's sincerity.

He knew what Yu Yuanyuan's words meant.

"Tolerate Yuanyuan's willfulness."

When Xiaotangyuan proposed to let Shen Ji live in Yu's house, Yu Jinxiao didn't agree in his heart from the beginning.

But thinking that Shen Ji saved her life, even though she was still a little dumpling who didn't seem to understand anything, Yu Jinxiao didn't want her to feel guilty or uneasy because of this incident.

Maybe putting Shen Ji under her nose temporarily and letting her "take care" of Shen Ji made her not in the mood to think about the terrible memories at that time.

She looked carefree as if she was not afraid of anything and forgot everything.

But children are only children after all, and temporarily forgetting fear does not mean that fear disappears.

"Puba..." The sleeping cub suddenly groaned, his little hand protruded from the edge of the quilt, his fingers opened and closed, as if he was asking for something.

"I must be asking for something to eat in my dream again." Yu Jinxiao chuckled.

"Baba... Yuanyuan is scared..." Yu Yuanyuan hummed in sleep.

Yu Jinxiao was startled, and immediately put his fingers into those small palms.

(End of this chapter)

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