Chapter 797
The fleshy little fingers were like little radishes. The moment they touched Yu Jinxiao's fingers, they immediately pinched them.

Immediately, the fingertips were wrapped in a circle of softness, accompanied by a warm temperature.

The moment he pinched his finger, the frown that was originally furrowed immediately relaxed.

Looks...not a nightmare anymore.

Yu Jinxiao gently moved her hand into the quilt, pressing the corner where there might be air leakage, but she didn't retract her fingers.

There was a voice in his heart that kept reminding him.

If it is taken back, Xiao Zai Zai may continue to have nightmares.

Yu Jinxiao has experience this time, he didn't curl up on the small stool anymore, otherwise he would suffer back pain again soon.

He simply sat on the carpet, with his shoulders just enough to lean against the edge of the bed, and he could see the sleeping Tangyuan when he tilted his head.

That little hand kept pinching her, not even wanting her favorite lion cub doll, and never turned over again.

From time to time, the sound of whirring breathing rang next to his ears, and occasionally he hummed twice. Yu Jinxiao patted the chubby little body with his hands to coax him, and immediately became quiet again.

Yu Jinxiao didn't close his eyes that night, probably because of the sequelae of reading that letter.

Xiao Zai Zai kept pinching his fingers, and he just sat on the edge of the bed all night.

Originally, Yu Jinxiao wanted to wait for her to let go before leaving, but who knew that she would not let go.

"Ahh~~" It was dawn, and the chubby little guy yawned, his eyes half-opened a little.

The light from the window was a bit dazzling, making Yu Yuanyuan's drowsiness go away.

She was just about to lift the quilt and get up when she suddenly felt something in her palm.

It's not like a lion cub doll!

Rubbing his eyes, Xiao Zai Zai turned his head in doubt, and saw Yu Jinxiao who was sleeping by the bed.

Ah, why didn't Baba go back to his room to sleep?
And there is no quilt, so you will get sick!

This frightened Yu Yuanyuan quite a bit, she quickly got up, pulled and pulled the quilt on her bed, and finally pushed it onto Yu Jinxiao's body.

It doesn't stop there.

The clumsy little body climbed out of the bed, adjusted the quilt bit by bit, and wrapped Yu Jinxiao like a silkworm chrysalis cocooning beside the bed before he felt relieved.

In fact, Yu Zaizai just woke up, and Yu Jinxiao woke up too.

This kind of three-year-old dumpling doesn't expect her to be so quiet when she is awake.

She rustled beside the bed, creaking and rattling, even a tiger should have woken up.

But Yu Jinxiao pretended not to notice, and deliberately didn't move, he wanted to see what the little glutinous rice balls were going to do.

When his body was wrapped in a warm quilt, Yu Jinxiao's heart felt as if it had been poured with warm honey water early in the morning.

This little glutinous rice ball is quite good at taking care of others, so he loves her.

A few minutes later, Yu Yuanyuan stepped on her slippers and walked towards the bathroom, rustling in it for a while, and then came out wearing her pajamas with water droplets on her heart.

"Ah, Baba, you're awake~~" Yu Yuanyuan happily jumped over.

She thought of the letter she had placed beside the bed, and from the corner of her eye she glanced quietly at the place where the letter was placed...

Hey, no!Baba must have seen it!
Yu Zaizai, who wanted to wait for the feedback, just stood aside, his eyes wide open, looking at Yu Jinxiao without blinking.

How could he not understand?
The eyes of the little glutinous rice balls were clearly waiting for him to comment on her.

"Believe me, I saw it," Yu Jinxiao poked his hand out from under the quilt, and patted Yu Yuanyuan's head, "It's amazing, you wrote so many words."

"Then...was Ba Ba moved!" Xiao Zai Zai asked again, caught off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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