The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 809 Doesn't fit in with other people's style

Chapter 809 Doesn't fit in with other people's style

In the entire crew, no one wanted to pick up Qiu Yang.

Probably because everyone didn't want to pick up Qiu Yang, they used the simplest and most rude way——


Three wins in five sets, the loser must pick up Qiu Yang.

After confirming the candidate to take over Qiu Yang, they will continue to fight to decide who will take over other people.

But apart from Qiu Yang, the other children are quite at ease, but...everyone wants to pick up Yu Yuanyuan.

Yu Yuanyuan is not only worry-free, but also very cute. That part of the journey is a happy time.

The drivers who can pick up Yu Yuanyuan are all masters of punching who have passed five levels and cut six generals.

The one with the last laugh is eligible to pick her up.

Yu Yuanyuan likes the swaying car the most, like sleeping in a cradle, which quickly aroused her drowsiness.

The small body nestled in the child seat gradually slumped, and not long after, there was the sound of hula hula breathing.

The driver originally wanted to have a word with Yu Yuanyuan, but when he heard the voice behind him, he immediately turned down the volume of the stereo.

What a pity, I haven't had a chance to chat with Yuanyuan yet.

That submissive and humble gesture, like a little fan.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan slept for three hours and was not woken up until the shooting point.

When he was woken up by the filming, Xiao Zaizai looked confused, looking at the strange people and cars, and it took him a long time to realize that he was here to shoot a show.

The car window was rolled down, and He Chen was already waiting for her outside.

"Okay... delicious brother~~~" Yu Zaizai excitedly stretched out his paws for a hug.

Before she had time to unbuckle the seat belt on her body, Yu Yuanyuan, who was about to jump to the window, was pulled back again.

That picture is funny.

He Chen opened the car door, skillfully helped her unbuckle the seat belt, and walked towards the filming assembly area with the cub in his arms.

Most of the people are here.

I haven't seen each other for a week, and everyone chatted separately, like a reunion of friends who haven't seen for a long time.

Only Qiu Yang's style is incompatible with the others.

"Rui Rui~~~"


The two children screamed each other's names, and the next second, the two cuties hugged each other tightly.

The cameraman is already shooting, and it is very precious to use these lovely pictures as sideshows.

"Yuanyuan misses Ruirui~~" Xiao Zai Zai squeezed Su Zhirui with his head, and said in a childish voice.

When Su Zhirui heard it, her cheeks were red and she nodded her head in agreement: "I miss Yuanyuan too, playing with Yuanyuan is the happiest~"


I left time for everyone to chat and rest. When the filming was about to start, Xie Xin clapped his hands to remind everyone that the filming was about to start.

Today's shooting location was indoors, and He Chen immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

That's great, this way, he won't get tanned. He is most afraid of getting tanned.

Regardless of whether it is winter or summer, I always apply a thick layer of sunscreen every time I go out.

As an idol, he must maintain the best skin condition.

The place where we filmed today is like a gymnasium. There are many venues and small theaters in it. It is so big that even the voice of speaking has a little echo.

"Hi everyone! Welcome to today's shooting!" Xie Xin's host started the recording of this episode. "As you can see, today's shooting is indoors. You can guess what the game is like today."

"Could it be some kind of secret room decryption?"

"Two-two confrontation?"

"Hide and seek?"

"The eagle catches the chick~" Yu Yuanyuan made a different voice.

No matter how you look at this venue, it doesn't look like an eagle catching chickens.

Besides, does it take such a big venue for the eagle to catch the chick?

Everyone else laughed amused by Yu Yuanyuan, only He Chen had a serious face and patted Yu Yuanyuan's head to agree: "Whatever Yuanyuan says, that's what it is."

(End of this chapter)

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