The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 810 The Eagle Catches the Chicken

Chapter 810 The Eagle Catches the Chicken

The people present have not truly and intimately felt Yu Yuanyuan's good luck.

To them, this is just a casual guess, and the possibility is the smallest.

Everyone started discussing in low voices, only Xie Xin glanced at Xiao Zai Zai with a half-smile, and continued to let them discuss.

When the discussion was almost over, Xie Xin cleared his throat and signaled them to be quiet.

"Actually, someone has already guessed the theme of this event..."

Xie Xin's words aroused even stronger whispers.

Many voices were guessing who had guessed right.

Finally, Xie Xin looked down and landed on Yu Yuanyuan: "It's Yuanyuan."

"Ah?" Xing Junqian was shocked, "What Yuanyuan said just now seems to be an eagle catching a chicken!"

How does the eagle catch the chicken?
It takes a lot of people to string together, and there are always big living people playing the role of eagles in front of them to catch people from the team.

Should they all be strung together to be caught?

That's too scary!

All teams deeply felt a strong sense of unease and apprehension.

This style of play has too many restrictions and unknowns for them.

"However, although the game is called eagle catching chickens, it is not the traditional game..." Xie Xin's words reassured everyone.

Then, he introduced the "Eagle Catch Chicken" game.

The gameplay is actually very simple. In this huge stadium, there are many "Eagle" stickers hidden. As long as you find this, you can stick it on your body, and everyone else will automatically become "Chicken" and become the target of arrest. .

However, the time of this "Eagle" is limited, and each card can only last for 10 minutes, and it will become invalid once the 10 minutes are up.

If two teams find the eagle stickers at the same time, the person who puts them first becomes the "Eagle", and the other team has to wait for this team to expire before they can put the stickers on and become the "Eagle".

That is to say, there is only one group of "eagles" in each round of pursuit.

The member who survives to the end will lead his team to become the winning team!

(For example, if He Chen is eliminated and Yu Yuanyuan survives the game, the team of He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan wins)
After the rules of the game are clear, the game officially begins.

Each group was taken to a different place by the staff, the high-level sound was constantly counting down, the atmosphere was very tense, and the adults all looked dignified.

He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan were taken to an open space, the floor-to-ceiling windows could see the outside, but the gate was guarded by staff, and they were not allowed to leave the gymnasium.

The entire game process must be carried out in the venue, and once you step out of the venue, you will be eliminated on the spot.

However, the elimination this time is not a "group" elimination. Those who are caught will only be eliminated individually, and the other team members can continue the game.

"Yuanyuan, if you see someone sticking an 'Eagle' logo sticker, you have to run as hard as you can, run fast, and get rid of them all, you know!" Zai Zai communicates clearly the rules of the game.

The adults understand it, but Yu Zaizai's comprehension not that strong, he is afraid that Yu Yuanyuan doesn't know what to do at all.

"Eagle..." Yu Zaizai muttered to himself alone.

He Chen's heart sank suddenly: "Yuanyuan, do you know what an eagle looks like?"

"I know~" Yu Yuanyuan nodded, stretched out her hand and pointed at the green plants under the front wall, "Then... what is that for?"

Following the direction of Xiao Zai Zai Zai Zai's finger, He Chen saw a palm-sized sticker hidden in the flower pot.

The drawn pattern should be a shield.

He looked left and right to make sure there was no one around, so he picked it up in a flash!

"Congratulations to the He Shen group, you have obtained a special item! Protection shield!" The staff read like an NPC, "It can protect you from escaping once when you are caught by an eagle."

(End of this chapter)

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