The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 813 Peach him!Let him play no bird game!

Chapter 813 Peach him!Let him play no bird game!
He Chen didn't come into contact with many children, so he regarded all the children as obedient and cute as Yu Yuanyuan.

Suddenly meeting such a difficult and annoying little kid, his anger can't be found anywhere.

"There are so many pairs of eyes looking at you, yet you still lie!" He Chen gritted his teeth, he never thought that one day he would treat a child with such an attitude.

Knowing that he was in the wrong, Qiu Yang didn't show any fear, and put his hands in his pockets: "She was the one who came to arrest me. I was afraid that of course I would resist. Isn't this just playing games? Playing games will definitely cause collisions. If you can’t afford it, quit as soon as possible.”

Not wanting to talk to He Chen anymore, Qiu Yang quickly ran away by himself.

Jian Yiran frowned slightly, looked at the direction where Qiu Yang was leaving, and smiled at He Chen embarrassedly: "Sorry."

How could He Chen be so angry with Jian Yiran, everything was caused by that brat.

Even if you want to scold, you should scold that kid Qiu Yang.

"Yuanyuan, I'm sorry, Brother Qiu Yang shouldn't have pushed you." Jian Yiran knelt down, patted Yu Yuanyuan's shoulder, and apologized earnestly as if talking to an adult.

He didn't ignore Yu Yuanyuan's feelings just because she was a child, but sincerely expressed his apology on Qiu Yang's behalf.

Xiao Zaizai didn't cry or make a fuss, she seemed to be used to falling and shook her head: "It's okay~~~"

After receiving Yu Yuanyuan's forgiveness, Jian Yiran rushed to find Qiu Yang.

In any case, the show had to be recorded, and he and Qiu Yang were always in the same group.

He Chen folded his arms, his head was about to smoke with anger: "Yuanyuan, that brat...that Qiu Yang is a bad guy, you have to be careful, don't be bullied by him..."

"Hmph!" The harmless-looking little Qiuqiu stood up, frowned and clenched his fists, "Yuanyuan must catch him next time, Hmph! Peach him! Let him play the game of no bird!"

Although he was full of milky aura, He Chen still couldn't help emphasizing: "It's elimination..."

"Yes! Eliminate Qiu Yang!"

"Okay, get rid of Qiu Yang!!!" He Chen also got motivated.

He was afraid that Xiao Zai Zai would be too kind, so he just wiped the matter away and turned it over.

It's all right now, since even Yuanyuan has fighting spirit, he has to cheer up and stare at Qiu Yang to be eliminated!
But they also had to be careful, if they were eliminated by others, they would not be able to eliminate Qiu Yang.

Qiu Yang's background is not simple, his dad who is a big director can't afford to offend him, but...they have a handle to make Qiu Yang unhappy.

Every time he lost the game, Qiu Yang's expression was very angry and resentful, so they didn't need to do any tricks, just win him openly and eliminate him!

Yu Yuanyuan continued to use her sense of smell advantage, looking for eagle stickers in the gymnasium.

More than half an hour has passed, and no second team has found the stickers. It seems that this thing is hidden enough.

"Hey~ I'm so tired~" Xiao Zaizai sat down on the steps, shaking his legs, "Can Yuanyuan rest for a while before leaving?"

He Chen nodded, folded his hands and looked around, guarding every door that could come in and out.

Like a competent and dedicated security guard.

"Crackling..." The door of the passage opened suddenly, causing He Chen to jump up on the spot.

"Hey, it's Yuanyuan!" Su Zhirui's happy voice sounded.

Jin Man didn't answer, she squatted down suddenly, and when she got up again, she was holding a sticker of an eagle in her hand.

He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan took a step back subconsciously: Oh, this is too bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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