The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 814 Come here and let me catch you, I won't catch Yuanyuan

Chapter 814 Come here and let me catch you, I won't catch Yuanyuan
Eagle stickers, get.

Prey: He Chen, Yu Yuanyuan, get.

Jin Man slapped the sticker on herself without hesitation.

In the next second, the sound of electric current sizzled from the high-altitude speaker, making a sound that made all the teams stand on end.

[Golden Man team finds the eagle sticker, enters the hunting time, and counts down for 10 minutes]

"Ruirui, hurry up and catch Yuanyuan!!" Jin Man yelled.

Her skills are particularly flexible, and she quickly climbed over several railings in front of her, as if she was shooting an action movie, all in one go.

The cameraman stood in a particularly good position, just looking up to take pictures of Jin Man's handsome mid-air turn.

He Chen was terrified, lifted Yu Yuanyuan up and ran away.

"Hoo~" It was a bit difficult for He Chen to run with a heavy load, but he almost ran out of his limit.

There is a thought in his mind that keeps supporting him——

Can't be eliminated!
He still wants to catch Qiu Yang with Yuanyuan and take revenge, so he must not be eliminated!

Fortunately, He Chen was very fast, Jin Man chased after him, and he ran wildly in front, Yu Yuanyuan in his arms was almost pulled into a small human flag.

It almost flew sideways.

Jin Man's speed was so fast that she accidentally dropped Su Zhirui and almost caught He Chen.

Unfortunately, every time it happens to be just a little bit worse.

He Chen's reaction was quick, he had to take care of Yu Yuanyuan, but also deliberately dodged the golden vine by finding obstacles, barely delaying for quite a while.

Su Zhirui, who was left behind, ran out of breath and was late, panting heavily with her hands on her knees.

"Sister Man~ Yuanyuan is our good friend, don't eliminate her~" Su Zhirui's eyes were red with anxiety, she spread her arms and ran forward to block He Chen, "Don't grab Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan It's Ruirui's good friend."

He Chen was suddenly moved, the relationship between children is really simple and sincere.

But within two seconds of being moved, Jin Man's slender and powerful arms grabbed him, almost grabbing his collar.

"Ruirui, we have to eliminate all our opponents to win, we have to seize the opportunity!" Jin Man didn't have time to do ideological work for her at this tense moment, "Ten minutes are very precious!"

He Chen carried Yu Yuanyuan and ran until he was about to die. If Su Zhirui hadn't stopped him, he might not be able to escape Jin Man's pursuit.

Fortunately, the tens of seconds they talked gave He Chen a chance to breathe.

He threw Yu Zaizai on his shoulder, grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his forehead: "Yuanyuan, hold on tight! Don't fall off!"

The figure on the shoulder suddenly sank: "Yuanyuan said!"

Xiao Zai Zai's expression was unexpectedly serious, as if he was affected by He Chen's emotions.

Su Zhirui, who tried to stop Jin Man, was so anxious that she almost cried. She spread her arms in the middle of the road to try to stop, but...

Jin Man's long legs easily bypassed her, and chased after He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan.

In fact, among so many groups, what He Chen is most afraid of is Jinman.

Others may still have a chance to shake it off, but Jin Man... this terrifying physical ability is like a nightmare, and he can't shake it off, no matter where he runs, he will be followed quickly.

Seeing that there was no way ahead, Jin Man almost chased He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan into a dead end.

He Chen retreated to the wall and forced a smile: "Jin Man, the game is just starting now, just let us go and let Yuanyuan play more."

Jin Man was also out of breath from running, she put her hands on her knees: "That's good, come here and let me catch you, I won't catch Yuanyuan."

The implication is to sacrifice him in exchange for Yuanyuan not being eliminated.

He Chen knew very well that if he was caught, this little Douding would not be spared either.

(End of this chapter)

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