The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 821 Gain Time... Gain Time...

Chapter 821 Gain Time... Gain Time...

The incident happened suddenly just now, and He Chen didn't expect that there was an unused eagle sticker in Qiu Yang's hand.

This is a very good anti-hunting method.

If they use this rule and control the time well, they can quickly transform the identity of the prey into a hunter.

Qiu Yang sneered disdainfully.

This group of people are all prey in his eyes, where does he have the confidence to seek revenge from him?

It's not easy for adults to catch, so he still locked his target on Yu Yuanyuan.

After Jin Man comforted Su Zhirui, she continued to play the game.

While Qiu Yang was talking to Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen, she slipped through the passage beside her, her movements were quick and quiet.

"Brother delicious, run!" Xiao Zaizai knew something was wrong when he saw Qiu Yang's eyes.

After shouting, the little figure also rushed towards the same place, like a fast rolling ball, really a little agile.

Qiu Yang didn't even look at He Chen, and ran after Xiao Zai Zai.

He Chen didn't go alone, but walked around to the front of Qiu Yang's pursuit route from the other end, trying to catch Yu Yuanyuan by surprise while he was hunting Yu Yuanyuan.

There is still a shield in their group, at worst, they will be caught by him once, and they won't be eliminated immediately.

It took Xiaozaizai too much energy to chase just now, and gradually, her speed also slowed down.

But this road is a winding corridor, and she has no extra place to hide.

Looking at the trash can that was as high as a person beside him, Xiao Zai Zai simply shrank behind the trash can and hid, curled up into a small ball.

The cameraman inevitably exposed Yuanyuan's position, and he also gave up the chase in a particularly cooperative manner, leaving the lens to the fixed camera at a high place.

This is the first time this has happened.

Almost everyone hoped that Yu Yuanyuan could beat Qiu Yang.

It was as if Qiu Yang had become some kind of devilish big boss, and Yu Zaizai was his little warrior who challenged him.

Qiu Yang chased him along the road, but he didn't see any fork. How could Yu Yuanyuan disappear?
Did he just miss it?

Just when Qiu Yang was puzzled, he suddenly saw that particularly eye-catching trash can.

According to the height of the trash can, it can just block Yu Yuanyuan. Could it be that she is hiding behind?

Thinking of that possibility, Qiu Yang showed an evil smile again.

Even the director team couldn't figure it out, he was obviously a child, how could he look like a devil, and his smile was weird.

Qiu Yang pretended that he didn't find Yu Yuanyuan, and hummed the foolish words: "Yu Yuanyuan~~Where are you~Come out~Don't run away~It's useless~"

Hey, good guy, why does this tone sound so much like the perverted killer in the movie? ? ?
Xiao Zaizai, who was hiding behind the trash can, thought that she hadn't been found, but within two seconds, she thought of something more important!

There is a dead end ahead, she must not run forward, she can only run back.

But Qiu Yang is taller and stronger than her, so she must buy time to escape.

buy time... buy time...

This thought echoed in Xiao Zai Zai's mind.

Qiu Yang pretended not to look at the trash can, but out of the corner of his eye, he had already passed that corner, and saw a pink figure huddled there.

At that moment, Qiu Yang felt a lot of joy in his heart.

The face pulled down by Yu Yuanyuan before will be avenged on this day.

Suddenly, Qiu Yang didn't want to end Xiao Zai Zai's fear so quickly.

She was about to be caught, and the threat was right in front of her eyes. She must have been scared to death, hiding behind the trash can and trembling, right?

When he turns around, that little thing will definitely beg for mercy, he will pretend to agree, lie to her, and then suddenly eliminate her.

Hahahahaha, this design is really fun and cool!

Qiu Yang stopped just a little past the trash can, and as long as he turned his head to one side, he could see Yu Yuanyuan's pink figure.

Well, it's time to show that little thing what it means to "lose"!

(End of this chapter)

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