The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 822 It Shouldn't Be a Bad Kid

Chapter 822 It Shouldn't Be a Bad Kid

After heightening the atmosphere to the extreme, Qiu Yang slowly turned his head towards Yu Yuanyuan.

strangeness? ?

Why is that pink ball getting closer?
Does that little thing dare to sneak attack?
Heh, what power can a ball of glutinous rice cakes like her have?
Qiu Yang didn't pay attention to it at all.

He was chased by her just now because he was afraid of being caught and eliminated by her, but now he is the hunter and she is the prey, so he has nothing to be afraid of.


There was a sound of drinking milk, which actually sounded like that.

Qiu Yang didn't pay much attention, and was about to reach out to catch someone, when suddenly something bumped his knees, and his legs fell to the ground involuntarily.

The next second, a pair of soft lotus arms jumped up and locked his throat.

A strong sense of suffocation came, making Qiu Yang a little dizzy.

The oppressive feeling brought by that weight made it too late for him to react, and his body was almost brought backward by inertia.

The moment Qiu Yang fell back to the ground, Xiao Zai Zai immediately jumped to avoid it, and ran towards the other side until he disappeared.

Lying on the ground, Qiu Yang took a few deep breaths before realizing that he was attacked by Yu Yuanyuan! ! !

That little thing that looks harmless and has no offensive power can actually do this kind of operation?
How he underestimated her!
The chase that had been brewed with great difficulty fell short at the most critical moment.

Qiu Yang supported the ground and got up, pounding the ground in anger.

Damn, let her run away! !
I'm so mad, I'm so mad, I'm so mad, I'm about to explode!
Qiu Yang, who was determined to win or lose, blushed, his shoulders kept rising and falling, and he was breathing heavily, like a small bomb that was about to explode.

He was so close to winning, yet he was escaped by that little thing.

The joy of victory turned into the rage of being plotted in seconds.

The escaped Yu Yuanyuan was like a small ball, running wildly all the way, deliberately running in the direction farthest from Qiu Yangwei.

Hehehe, brother Yunqing's fighting skills are so powerful!

When she goes back, she still needs to learn a few tricks from brother Yunqing.

Wait, she seems to be using fighting tactics, could she be an obedient child?
When Yu Zaizai thought of this, he suddenly petrified.

There seemed to be several voices in my heart asking and explaining each other.

Voice No. [-]: Fighting is not an obedient child.

Voice Two: How can this be a fight?
Voice No. [-]: Why doesn't it count?

Voice No. [-]: That Qiu Yang didn't fight back, of course it's not a fight!
Voice No. [-]: But you will be scolded if you do this. (# ̄~ ̄#)
Voice No. [-]: No, Qiu Yang hasn't been scolded for throwing things at people!

Voice No. [-]: Σ(⊙▽⊙ "A is right! It makes sense!

Xiao Zai Zai, who was originally frowning and tangled, suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly became enlightened.

Qiu Yang was not scolded for throwing things around, so she...then she knocked his leg like that, she shouldn't be a bad boy, hehehe.

The little Zaizai who figured it out sniffed, and went around looking for He Chen.

He Chen, who lost his way looking for Yu Yuanyuan, was like an ant hanging on a frying pan at this moment, so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead.

Qiu Yang was very clear about how bad that kid was and how much he hated him. Yu Yuanyuan's dealing with him alone was no different from a sheep running into a tiger's mouth.

But He Chen clearly remembered that there was a way to go there, but... Eh, did he remember it wrong?
Looking at the wall in front of him, He Chen fell into deep thought.

Just when he was depressed and worried by himself, there was a rustling sound behind him, and the corner of his clothes was grabbed in the next second.

"Ah!" He Chen was taken aback by surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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