The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 825 This style of painting seems weirder than "crying"

Chapter 825 This style of painting seems weirder than "crying"

Yu Yuanyuan fell asleep on her side, with her feet on the bulkhead, as if she was kicking someone.

The little claws were still waving and waving in mid-air, and the little mouth kept talking in sleep.

But the sleep talk was indistinct, and the sound from the monitor was similar to that of a piggy humming.

Both Jian Yiran and Xing Junqian couldn't help laughing.

Seeing this, Jin Man hurriedly explained: "I covered Yuanyuan with a quilt before I left!!!"

"I understand, I know, I have no doubts about you." He Chen nodded his head in a sophisticated manner.

When they lived in a hotel, Xiao Zai Zai could roll a ball many times on the bed.

It can only be said that fortunately the bed is big and the quilt is also big, so there is no chance for Yu Yuanyuan to lift the quilt or kick her feet.

But the size of the capsule cabin is significantly smaller than the hotel's big bed.

The existence of the capsule cabin is only to provide a temporary nap space for everyone, and the comfort level will naturally be discounted.

"Hit...wash you!" Yu Yuanyuan suddenly uttered a dream, and kicked the bulkhead of the capsule cabin.

"Who is Yuanyuan hitting..." Jin Man pouted.

He Chen didn't speak, and glanced at all the onlookers with eyes full of deep meaning, and everyone actually got the answer from that look.

Qiu Yang.

Who else but him?
Others liked Yuanyuan very much when they saw it, but Qiu Yang was the only one who had a lot of things to do, and was always arguing with Yuanyuan and making troubles.

He is also the first person who can push the cute and soft Yuanyuan into a hurry.

The adults put away their mobile phones, and prepared to truthfully film the real clips of them receiving the "wake up reminder" as required by the brand.

For about an hour or so, at around 15:[-] pm, everyone's mobile phones received reminders one after another.

After the child has continuous movements in the cabin, the mobile phone will automatically receive a reminder that the child has woken up.

At this time, the adults can help the children get dressed.

However, everyone's mobile phone received the reminder, only He Chen's mobile phone did not receive the reminder.

He frowned and opened it——

Good guy, Yu Zaizai is still sleeping soundly.

"Jin Man, Yuanyuan is still sleeping, can I trouble you...wake her up." He Chen pulled her back embarrassedly and said.

Jin Man raised her eyebrows and put her arms around her arms: "If you take the Eagle sticker this afternoon, you are not allowed to catch me."

"Yes yes yes, Golden Lady is what you say." He Chen put his hands together and shook his chest beggingly.

There is no way, he needs Jin Man's help for too many things, so he has to agree.

"By the way, Yuanyuan...are you angry about getting up?" Jin Man suddenly thought of something, and asked weakly, "She won't cry?"

Su Zhirui was already considered a very well-behaved little friend, even so, when she was woken up every morning, Su Zhirui would cry and be in a bad mood.

For Jin Man, the most difficult time to raise children is when they wake up.

When a child cries, she has to coax her.

How can she coax children so well?

If you leave it alone and get caught by the camera, it will be a scolding if you put it up.

"Probably not," He Chen asked this question, and He Chen thought about it for a while, "Anyway, she didn't cry when I took her to sleep."

"That's good." Jin Man smiled and patted his shoulder, and went to the capsule cabin to dress the child.

Su Zhirui, who just woke up, was in a mess. Although she was still a little confused, she woke up naturally, and her anger was about zero.

Jin Man looked at Yu Yuanyuan next door, and saw that she was still asleep, so she dressed Su Zhirui and combed her hair before going to wake up the little one.

Yu Zaizai, who was still asleep, felt something shaking, and woke up from the dream screaming "Yeah!" "Help, help!"

One large and one small two froze on the spot.

Jin Man's expression was incredible.

Yu Yuanyuan really didn't cry, but... she was so frightened that she called "Help"... This style of painting seemed even weirder than "crying".

(End of this chapter)

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