The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 826 The slogan has become "Kill Qiu Yang"

Chapter 826 The slogan has become "Kill Qiu Yang"

Jin Man's heart "thumped", feeling bad.

If I cry, I'm afraid it will be a wail, can this comfort me?

The temples were already hurting, and Jin Man even weighed in her heart that it would take a few minutes to carry Yu Zai Zai to He Chen.

It's better to let him coax you than to coax you yourself.

"Ah, it's Sister Man and Rui Rui~" Xiao Zai Zai rubbed his eyes, and Mimi opened his mouth vaguely, "Yuan Yuan felt shaky just now, and thought the mountain was about to collapse."

The mountain... is going to collapse?

Jin Man felt that her statement was quite novel.

It's not that the building is about to collapse, but the mountain is about to collapse, making her look like a little monster living in the mountain.

"Yuanyuan, everyone is up, we are about to start playing games." Jin Man was afraid that Yu Yuanyuan would cry, so she quickly diverted her attention before she could react.

As soon as he heard about playing games, Yu Zaizai immediately got excited.

"Wow, Yuanyuan wants to catch Qiu Yang!" The energetic Zai Zai clenched his sharp claws, "Eliminate Qiu Yang and reward Rui Rui!"

"Thank you, Yuanyuan!" Su Zhirui was obviously much better than the last time she lost the game this time, and it could even be said that she still retained a trace of excitement, "Call the ball! Call the ball!"

The not-so-precise voice resounded through the capsule cabin.

Because Yu Yuanyuan bears the responsibility of avenging Su Zhirui, even Su Zhirui maintains the excitement of playing a game.

The program group brought all the guests back to the stadium.

Jian Yiran, who had already been eliminated, took Su Zhirui to the lounge to watch the live game progress on TV.

Probably because of this, Su Zhirui was not as frustrated as last time, but kept cheering Xiao Zai Zai in the lounge.

Although... Yu Zaizai couldn't hear it at all.

The staff took them to the place where everyone paused at the end of the morning game. After ensuring that everyone was in place, the sound system announced the official start of the afternoon game.

"Yuanyuan, are you ready?" He Chen handsomely posed and looked at the cameraman.

Affected by the atmosphere, Yu Zaizai also put on a pose that she thought was handsome - with her hips akimbo.

"Get ready! Get rid of Qiu Yang~~"

"Get rid of Qiu Yang!!!"

I don't know when, the cheering slogan of Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen's group has become "Kill Qiu Yang".

Jian Yiran who was in the lounge just happened to see this scene, smiled wryly and shook her head.

He is the person who has the most contact with Qiu Yang, and he knows everyone's opinion of Qiu Yang very well.

If this continues... the relationship between everyone will probably get worse and worse.

After Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen finished shouting their slogans, they held hands and took steps that no relatives would recognize, and were about to walk out of the hall.

But as soon as they arrived at the door, they heard low voices coming from outside.

"Damn it, I must catch Yu Yuanyuan and eliminate her!!" It was Qiu Yang!

Only then did they realize that Qiu Yang's 10-minute hunting time was not over yet!

The one big and one small, who took the step of not recognizing their relatives, immediately backed away with the strides of cats and dogs, hiding by the door and not daring to go out.

The two pairs of eyes communicated quietly, and waited until the movement outside completely disappeared before Yu Zaizai sighed quietly.

"Brother delicious, shall we continue to look for Yingying's stickers?"

"Yes, Qiu Yang can only be eliminated if you find the eagle sticker~"

"Then we..."

"Gada." The door of the hall was opened without warning, and He Chen quickly raised Yu Yuanyuan and moved away three meters.

Qiu Yang poked his head in from the outside, showing a devilish smile: "I just said, so it's really here."

"Qiu Qiuqiu Qiu Qiuyang!" Yu Zaizai was startled by the sudden appearance of the little devil.

(End of this chapter)

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