Chapter 827
He Chen's first reaction was to protect Yuanyuan, pushing her to the back, and using the chairs and debris in front of him to distance himself from Qiu Yang.

Although this little kid's aura is a bit scary, he still has a height limit and is not as flexible as Jin Man.

It's nothing more than a scary expression and tone of voice.

"Yuanyuan, don't be afraid, we will definitely win!" He Chen shouted loudly, giving Xiao Zai Zai confidence.

The stuttering little milk bag pursed her lips, and said in a milky voice, "That's right, Yuanyuan is not afraid!"

When Yu Yuanyuan heard that death was imminent, Qiu Yang gritted his teeth and ran around the chair.

But no matter where he was moving, He Chen deliberately blocked him in his direction, as if he was not afraid of being eliminated.

When he was at home before, his father told him that the stars who came to participate were all for exposure and wanted to become famous on the show.

Because of this, they will strive to give themselves a little more exposure.

Qiu Yang thought that a person like He Chen should know what to do and what not to do - if he is eliminated, his exposure will be greatly reduced, so how can he win the favor of the audience?

But seeing how he tried his best to stop himself, it seemed that he didn't care whether he was eliminated or not.

"Get out of the way, I'll give you a chance, or I'll eliminate you immediately!" Qiu Yang glanced at He Chen, lowered his voice, "If you are eliminated, your exposure in front of the audience will be much less!"

These words were uttered by an immature voice, as if they had turned into a terrifying ghost story, circling in He Chen's mind.

The company had talked to him a long time ago, asking him to perform as well as possible on the show and strive for more opportunities to show his face.

It's not easy to fight for the recording of this show. If He Chen can't stir up a little splash, some resources will be allocated to his junior brother Wang Li'an who suddenly exploded.

He Chen's age can't be said to be too old, but he can't be said to be young. Singing is not popular, acting is not popular, and being on variety shows is his last and only way.

He Chen had to admit that the words of this brat actually made him hesitate.

This is just a game, if he is really serious and eliminated, then he will have a lot less exposure in this issue.

But if he stepped aside, Yuanyuan might be eliminated.

But they clearly made an appointment to catch Qiu Yang...

"Get out of the way!" Seeing his hesitation, Qiu Yang suddenly sneaked in from the corner beside him.

Yu Zaizai originally wanted to wait for He Chen, but as soon as he saw Qiu Yang chasing him, he immediately ran away with a "Yeah!"

That small body is still very nimble when running, and it's not easy for Qiu Yang to catch up for a while.

He Chen stood where he was, looking at the small body running for his life not far away...

Lonely, helpless and pitiful, Qiu Yang chased him around and almost got caught.

But she was running so hard, trying to "survive", she didn't even shout "help".

Xiao Zaizai, who would be frightened even after taking a nap, didn't ask him for help at this time.

He Chen thought a lot, and his heart suddenly started to ache.

That little figure was pitiful and brave, making him, a grown-up who had withdrawn suddenly, look so ugly and embarrassing.

Is a little more exposure really that important?
Without Yuanyuan, he probably wouldn't have won every game.

Thinking of the first time they met, Xiao Zaizai went to the roadside shop to give him something to eat, and hugged his head when he fainted. She was not a leg pendant, but the one who led him to victory.

What qualifications does he have to give up helping Yuanyuan because of the exposure?
He Chen punched himself hard in the waist, his still body suddenly soared into the air, with his arms propped up on the rows of auditorium chairs, he turned sideways, and in two or three he came between Qiu Yang and Yu Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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