The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 835 The nervous seesaw starts instantly

Chapter 835 The nervous seesaw starts instantly

"Thank you little brother~~" Yu Yuanyuan spread out her hands, and took the things politely and cherishingly.

Although it was just a pack of tissues, He Chen saw the illusion of touching gems.

"The eagle caught the chick, and Sun Chengyu was eliminated!"

The voice of the announcement suddenly sounded in the stereo, making Yu Zaizai's hands tremble in fright, and fear appeared in his big eyes.

Everything is a game, but the atmosphere is very strong, reminding Yu Zaizai of his previous time in Wonderland.

Often other animals will ambush them in order to fill their stomachs.

Snowball, who was still a cub, was also watched by other animals, and that feeling was terrifying.

Probably because after coming to this human book world, Yu Yuanyuan's sense of crisis has been smoothed out a lot, but this game helped her think of the crisis-filled days in Wonderland.

"Ling Zi, did you see anyone else?" Xing Junqian, who "solved" Sun Chengyu, came back, and Yu Zaizai and He Chen trembled at his words.

Ling Zi, who was standing face to face with Yu Zaizai, suddenly closed the curtain and turned around quickly.

"Why are you standing there? Is there something there?" Xing Junqian made a gesture to come over.

He Chen's heart was like riding a roller coaster, it kept going up and down, rising and falling rapidly, it really killed him.

When Ling Zi found out, he thought he had to use the protection shield.

But Ling Zi didn't grab Yu Yuanyuan, but kindly gave her a pack of tissues instead.

When Xing Junqian, who went out to catch Sun Chengyu, came back, He Chen's poor heart started beating wildly again, the blood all over his body accelerated, and even his cheeks became hot.

It's over, it's over, now I'm really ready to escape!

A little bit of Ling Zi's figure was revealed in the dark, turning him into a silhouette.

Ling Zi stood not far from He Chen and shook his head.

Shaking his head means he didn't notice anyone else.

He Chen's anxious little heart suddenly let go, and his hands had already quietly grasped Yu Yuanyuan's collar.

Once there is a change, he will immediately pick up Xiao Zai Zai and run away!

"Oh, if there is no one, let's go. There should be only Jin Man, He Chen and Yuan Yuan left." Xing Junqian waved and led Ling Zi out.

The venue suddenly became quiet, but He Chen didn't dare to stay, picked up Yu Zaizai and prepared to go out through another door.

"Brother Haoyi, why do you want to go out? Didn't you mean to hide at the loudspeaker and say it's over?" Yu Zaizai asked milkily while lying on his shoulder.

"Ling Zi saw us just now." He Chen patted Yu Yuanyuan's head, "This may be a bluff, pretending not to notice us, to let us take it lightly, and come and kill us later."

"No, my little brother also helped Yuanyuan just now."

"Yuanyuan, you can't trust people easily when playing this kind of game." He Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

The kid's world is really simple, he really doesn't understand how such a simple little boy came up with a plan to deal with Qiu Yang just now.

There was no movement in the corridor outside, He Chen opened the door and poked his head out, making sure no one was holding Yu Yuanyuan outside.

It's just that this road leads to two directions, and he is not sure which direction Ling Zi and Xing Junqian are going, so he can only choose one at random.

As a result, as soon as I walked through a small workshop, the closed door opened...

Xing Junqian and Ling Zi who went in to search happened to run into He Chen and the others.

The moment the two pairs of eyes meet, it seems like the switch of chasing and escaping is turned on, and the tense seesaw starts instantly!
(End of this chapter)

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