The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 836 It's Another Life-and-Death Drama

Chapter 836 Another life-and-death drama
Ling Zi and Xing Junqian got along with each other for so many episodes, and they gradually became able to communicate and have a certain tacit understanding.

They agreed that once they meet their prey, Ling Zi will wait in place, and it doesn't matter whether they chase or not.

Xing Junqian took care of everything that required physical labor, as long as Ling Zi didn't run away and waited at the place where they were separated.

He Chen's reaction was already fast, but he held Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, and his speed was a bit hindered.

The moment someone grabbed the coat, He Chen's heart sank.

Oh, I got caught!
"Hahahahaha, two more can be eliminated!" Xing Junqian laughed triumphantly, "Now there are only golden vines left!"

[He Shen's group props are triggered, and the protection shield takes effect]

The staff announced in time.

Xing Junqian couldn't laugh anymore, and asked with a puzzled look: "Protective shield? What kind of protective shield?"

"It's a prop." The staff suddenly stepped forward and separated Xing Junqian and He Chen, "Now you have to be forced to stay in place for 10 seconds, and you can only start the chase after 10 seconds]

Now it's Xing Junqian's "Oh Excuse me".

In ten seconds, He Chen was nimble enough to run with Yu Zai Zai without a trace.

This is not the worst.

Before the ten-second shield time was over, the horn rang again.

[The hunting time of Xing Junqian's group is over! 】

What?Hunting time over? ? ?

Xing Junqian glanced at the corridor, thinking of Ling Zi who was still waiting for him, he became anxious immediately.

"The hunting time is over, can I go?" Now he has become a "chicken", the prey, if he can't move like this, isn't it very dangerous?
"No, it takes 10 seconds." The staff seriously emphasized.

Xing Junqian: "..."

Hearing that Xing Junqian's hunting time was over, He Chen quickly took out the sticker and patted it on his body, laughing triumphantly: "It's time for me and Yuanyuan to play again!"

"Wait a minute," the staff called to stop He Chen, "Someone found the eagle's sticker earlier than you. This round is her hunting time."

He Chen who was happy for less than two seconds: "Huh??"

[Jin Man finds the eagle sticker and enters the hunting time, with a 10-minute countdown]

Is this eagle sticker a big discount sale! ! !
It was difficult to find one at the beginning, but now people find it one after another! !

He Chen thought this was his moment to play, but it was actually Jin Man's time to play.

"The eagle caught the chick, and Ling Zi was eliminated!"

Xing Junqian, who had just lifted the "seal", heard the news that Ling Zi was eliminated.

Oh, it seems that Jinman is nearby!

He Chen still had an impression of the place where Ling Zi and Xing Junqian split up, so he purposely hugged Yu Yuanyuan and walked around another route, planning to find another place to hide.

Ten minutes, very quickly, and it wasn't the first time I hid.

When Jin Man's hunting time is over, it will be his and Yu Yuanyuan's turn to perform!
He Chen suddenly thought of the utility room where Yu Yuanyuan was hidden before, and hurried over with the cubs, one big and one small managed to hide inside.

There were some cardboard boxes and clean buckets in the utility room, which almost took up the space, and He Chen's body was a bit reluctant to hide in it.

However, this should be the best hiding place.

"Click, click..." Footsteps echoed in the quiet corridor.

He Chen knew that this was Jinman! ! !
When the soles of her shoes stepped on the floor tiles of the gymnasium, there would be a soft sound of hard objects colliding!
Why is it such a life-and-death drama again!

(End of this chapter)

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