The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 837 is completed by the children

Chapter 837 is completed by the children

He Chen's nervousness also affected Yu Zaizai, she hugged her feet, as if she felt that she could shrink herself down so that no one could see her.

It seemed that it was not the golden vine that was hunting outside, but the terrifying big animal in the fairyland.

The door of the utility room cannot be locked, if Jin Man comes to are destined to be unable to escape!

He Chen's heart was beating wildly, and in the extremely quiet situation, every sound seemed to echo in his mind.

A sliver of light leaked through the crack of the door, and He Chen could just look out through the crack.

Jin Man's sight unexpectedly saw the utility room.

From light to dark, the intense collision exploded silently, pulling the tense atmosphere to the extreme.

【Break time is up! 】

The announcement from the loudspeaker at a high place dissolved the dignified and tense atmosphere.

Jin Man didn't give up, and originally wanted to open the utility room to have a look, but the staff suddenly surrounded her and tied black cloth to her eyes.

"It may affect the next recording. We will help you to the exit of the venue in this way. Please rest assured that you will not be injured."

The staff first took Jin Man away, and then brought He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan to the exit in the same way.

In this match, those who hadn't been eliminated all gathered at the door immediately.

When all the people arrived, the staff untied the black cloth covering their eyes.

He Chen, Yu Yuanyuan, Jin Man, Xing Junqian.

Except for Yu Yuanyuan, all the other children have been eliminated.

"Wow, Yuanyuan is so amazing!" Jin Man patted Yu Yuanyuan's head and boasted, "The other kids have been eliminated, but Yuanyuan is still there!"

"Hey hey," Xiao Zai Zai shook his body embarrassingly, "Yuan Yuan promised Rui Rui to win."

There was a flash of tenderness in Jin Man's eyes.

She also promised Su Zhirui that she would win, and wanted to give Ruirui the small badge this time!

This is after the last game failed, they secretly agreed.

It's a pity that Su Zhirui was eliminated very quickly in today's game, but Jin Man has tried her best to survive until now.

The other male guests are not enough for her to play.

Once caught by Jin Man, there is almost no possibility of escaping.

"Today's recording is temporarily up to now, and the final 'final' will start at 8 o'clock tomorrow!"

The recording of the main game session is temporarily over, but there are other arrangements for the evening, not just eating, drinking and sleeping.

This time they lived in a nearby tent camp. A group of children had never tried wild camping before, and they were as happy as a string of small balls rolling on the ground.

Especially Yu Yuanyuan and Su Zhirui.

"Sister Man~Brother Delicious~ Can Ruirui live next to Yuanyuan?" Yu Zaizai pointed at the two tents next to each other, his eyes full of strong hints.

Jin Man sighed, and said helplessly, "I'm afraid it's not that simple, maybe we need other means to choose a tent."

Jin Man, who has already figured out the urination of the program group, said it right.

The tents are not chosen by themselves, but a simple game needs to be completed.

The winning group gets to pick first.

And this done by children.

Even though he had seen Yuanyuan's ability, He Chen's heart still jumped.

He felt that he was about to have a heart attack today, and the show crew couldn't survive without a few big operations for him, right? !
The staff took out several glass bottles and put them on the ground, and pulled out a line in mid-air.

Each child is assigned a ping pong ball, and they must throw the ping pong ball into the glass bottle above the line, and they can choose tents first according to the time spent.

(End of this chapter)

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