The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 843 Clearly scooped up a hill!

Chapter 843 Clearly scooped up a hill!
What he said, it seemed that he couldn't eat by himself!
He really didn't believe it, so he didn't need that little thing to pretend to be kind.

"Oh, stop being so sentimental," Qiu Yang rolled his eyes at her, "I will definitely win, and then you won't even want to eat a bite of food, you will starve to death!"

what! ! !
Yu Zaizai's expression was extremely shocked!

That Qiuyang actually wanted to wash her hungry!This is too vicious! ! !

To Yu Yuanyuan, this is the most terrifying thing in the world, this Qiuyang must be a big devil!
When all the guests were ready, Xie Xin arranged a staff member behind each group to supervise.

Qiu Yang swallowed his saliva, his palms were already sweating.

He just talked to his father on the phone, and after learning what happened today, his father gave him a scolding.

It's fun to play games, even if you want to cheat, don't let anyone catch you.

Especially since the scene was still being filmed, not only his face was lost, but also his father's.

Qiu Yang retorted a few words in dissatisfaction, and his father scolded him even harder, and his mother's complaint to his father immediately rang on the other end of the phone.

The child is still young and doesn't understand anything, what is fierce.

This time the game is called "Dinner Game". Xie Xin's original intention was to create a game effect of harmony, mutual help and truth, kindness and beauty.


Yu Yuanyuan and Qiu Yang had drawn a number, and I'm afraid the style of painting would go wrong.

If Yu Yuanyuan is not full after a while, he will quietly ask someone to prepare something and send it to her tent.

"Okay, listen to my password and punch. Being late or early doesn't count, you have to do it again!" Xie Xin's eyes quietly fell on the back of Qiu Yang's head, "Don't try to cheat, the staff are all watching."

After saying that, Qiu Yang felt a chill down his back, and subconsciously turned his head to look behind him.'s nothing, why did you suddenly pull out the cold.

"Ready! Three! Two! One!"

Everyone listened carefully to Xie Xin's slogan, and when the count reached one, they all shot together.

"Hehehe, Yuanyuan won!" Yu Zaizai clapped his paws happily.

Qiu Yang took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and looked at the opposite side, comforting himself secretly in his heart.

It's just that the little thing is lucky, next time, next time he will definitely win!
"Guests who have won can use a spoon to scoop food once, remember, you can only scoop once!" Xie Xin emphasized deliberately, "So, if you want to be full, scoop as much as you can, and be careful not to drop it. It is wasted on the table, food that falls off the spoon is cleaned up by staff and is not edible."

There was nothing to eat anyway, Qiu Yang clasped his hands and listened to Xie Xin explain the rules, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the kid on the opposite side who had already picked up the spoon.

and many more……

what is she doing?
Is that scooping food? ?It was clearly scooping up a hill! ! !
Seeing that the contents of the plate were reduced by one-fifth!

Qiu Yang suddenly felt a chilly feeling, he couldn't...he couldn't be hungry tonight, right?

From childhood to adulthood, he can eat whatever he wants, and his family never treats him badly, let alone go hungry.

But at this moment, he suddenly had a very bad premonition.

How can that small mouth hold so many things?The director said that if it falls on the table, you can't pick it up and eat it!
Qiu Yang didn't realize that his thinking had gone astray, and he was even thinking about picking up the food from the table.

I saw Yu Zaizai holding a large spoonful of food, "ah", opened his mouth wide, and delivered it steadily to his mouth.

The small face was bulging, like a little hamster hoarding grain.

"Cuckoo..." Seeing her satisfied eating, Qiu Yang felt very hungry suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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