The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 844 Why didn't you give him a bite?

Chapter 844 Why didn't you give him a bite?
The winners of the other group punches basically fed themselves first.

The adult guests assigned to the children's group meant to feed the children first, for fear that the children would be hungry.

But Yu Yuanyuan and Qiu Yang are both children, so there is no such politeness.

"Prepare for the second round!" Xie Xin raised his voice to remind.

He had been quietly paying attention to Yu Yuanyuan and Qiu Yang, and when he saw Yu Yuanyuan winning, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I will definitely win this time!" In order to overwhelm Yu Yuanyuan, Qiu Yang deliberately widened his eyes, gritted his teeth and said harsh words.

Yu Zaizai was still chewing, so he didn't have time to pay attention to her at all, he gurgled and swallowed the food wrapped in his small mouth.

at last!

After the bulging face was flattened, the small mouth sighed in a milky voice: "Wow, it's delicious~~~"

Qiu Yang was furious.

I'll let you know what it means to be hungry later!
The second round of punching begins.

Everyone raised their hands into small fists, listening to Xie Xin's command "three, two, one", and immediately made a move.

Qiu Yang's aura had been paved to a certain height just now, but no matter how high the pavement was, it hurts so much to fall now.

He lost again.

"Hehehe, Yuanyuan can eat again~~~" Xiao Zaizai couldn't wait to get the spoon, "I'm so happy~~"

Qiu Yang looked across with a dark face.

You happy?You won't be happy for long! !
and many more!Why are you scooping so much!are you a pig! !
Another hill piled up on Yu Yuanyuan's small spoon, even Qiu Yang couldn't figure out how she could scoop up so much food in one go.

Seeing that there was less and less food in front of him, Qiu Yang suddenly had a bad premonition.

He underestimated Yu Yuanyuan too much.

Originally thought that even if she lost, she would not be able to eat much, and the spoon is not big, how much can she scoop?
But now it seems... not good, very bad!

The aroma of food was wafting around, making Qiu Yang's stomach growl more and more loudly, he even thought of the biscuits and bread he threw at people when he was playing games before.

There was a strong nostalgia for that pile of food in my heart.

"Wow!" That small mouth seemed to let go of a black hole when eating.

Even though there is only one small human, it can eat so many things in one bite.

With hot and delicious food in his stomach, Yu Zaizai squinted his eyes happily, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Her happy atmosphere was also transmitted to Qiu Yang on the opposite side.

Qiu Yang, who kept persuading himself that the food was not tasty and tried to calm himself down, was once again influenced by the opposite person's eating appearance.

Very hungry……

Yu Yuanyuan eats so happily, is it delicious?
Well, it smells delicious too. He wants to take a bite too, and his stomach starts to growl again.

There was a lot of activity in his heart, but Qiu Yang didn't want to lose in front of Yu Yuanyuan, so he pretended to be indifferent, crossed his arms, raised his chin, and looked at the other side with a look of contempt.

But no matter how provocative and pressured he was, Yu Yuanyuan didn't care at all, her eyes were always looking at the food in front of her, sparkling.

On the other hand, in other groups, basically everyone took a bite, and everyone helped each other. Those who lost were also won, and those who took another bite took the initiative to feed.

Everyone is happy and the atmosphere is harmonious.

only he...

Qiu Yang looked at Yu Zaizai who was opposite, he obviously had a kind face, and he was also very caring and friendly to other people, why didn't he give him a bite?
"Prepare for the third round!" Xie Xin's voice pulled Qiu Yang's chaotic thoughts back, secretly planning in his heart.

Can no longer rely on luck, he must find a way.

"Three, two, one!"

Listening to Xie Xin's instructions, Qiu Yang deliberately paused for a while at the end, wanting to see Yu Yuanyuan's punch clearly, and then temporarily change the gesture he was going to draw.

(End of this chapter)

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