The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 848 There Are No Permanent Friends, No Permanent Enemies In The World

Chapter 848 There Are No Permanent Friends, No Permanent Enemies In The World

Looking at the pile of snacks suddenly conjured up by Brother Haoyi, Yu Zaizai's eyes widened.

"Brother Delicious, you...why didn't you tell Yuanyuan that you brought so much food!" The tone seemed to be blaming him for eating alone.

"It was originally brought for you, and what's more," He Chen showed her the contents of the box, "I don't eat these things, but if I let you know in advance, you will definitely eat them right away and know how to eat them." Bad belly."

"No way, a round belly is very good at acting." As if afraid of He Chen's unbelief, the little fleshy claws deliberately slapped the echo on the belly.

Jian Yiran originally felt that the air pressure was low, but now she was amused by the interaction between Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen.

"Take it, take it, give her Yuanyuan back, she must bring her favorite." He Chen exchanged the things Yu Yuanyuan gave, and put them in her small suitcase.

Unexpectedly, the little cub took out the things again, and pointed to the packaging bag in Jian Yiran's arms: "Big brother, can I exchange it with you? Yuanyuan wants to eat that..."

There was even a little hiss of swallowing saliva in the voice of speaking.

Jian Yiran originally just wanted to find something casually for Qiu Yang to fill his stomach, so it doesn't matter to change it: "Okay, you can choose whichever Yuanyuan likes."

As he said that, he spread the bags of things He Chen gave him on the carpet, letting that little boy choose.

"Ah, the crunchy and sweet one is delicious, the soft one has a milk flavor, the spicy one... the spicy one is also delicious, Yuanyuan doesn't know which one to choose!"

Little Tudou, who was squatting on the ground, hesitated for a long time, and exchanged a bag of cakes in the shape of small animals.

"Yuanyuan is about to introduce it!" Yu Zaizai hugged the packaging bag, his eyes still lingering on other snacks.

Seeing Jian Yiran, He Chen put on a shirt, quickly stuffed the things into his arms, and urged: "Hurry up, it's cold outside, be careful not to catch a cold."

"Thank you, thank you." Jian Yiran backed away while thanking, and returned to the tent with a few bags of things.

Qiu Yang, who had been hungry all night, was still sulking in the tent.

The tents they were assigned were in the worst condition. The room was dirty and needed to be cleaned, and even the quilts looked old.

There is no kettle, no heating, and no separate bathroom.

Occasionally, a few small bugs would be seen crawling in, and Qiu Yang kicked them out angrily.

"Qiu Yang, I borrowed something from them, you can eat some first." Jian Yiran put the food she found on the table, and took out a thermos cup for him to put next to him, "This amount should be enough to eat full."

Qiu Yang glanced at one of Fenfen's packaging bags, his heart skipped a beat, and he had a strong intuition: "Where did you get it from?"

"Yuanyuan and He Chen gave it." Jian Yiran didn't lie to him.

As soon as he heard that it belonged to Yu Yuanyuan, Qiu Yang swept the package to the ground and said ferociously, "I won't eat it!!"

"Is it necessary to have trouble with your own body?" Jian Yiran didn't scold him, nor did she pretend to be earnest to coax him, "If you don't eat, your stomach is like a machine that can't stop, even if there is nothing left. Will keep grinding. Without food, it grinds the walls of your stomach, it's like constantly scraping the walls..."

Jian Yiran spoke lightly, but it was enough to scare the children.

Just now when his stomach was growling with hunger, Qiu Yang really felt uncomfortable in his stomach and wanted to eat crazily.

"There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies in this world." Jane put her hands on her pillow, and slowly closed her eyes, "You are angry with others, maybe they don't care at all, you are just fighting against yourself and hurting yourself. "

(End of this chapter)

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