The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 849 Showing a Satisfied Expression

Chapter 849 Showing a Satisfied Expression
Qiu Yang still stood by the table without moving, staring at the cakes and biscuits falling at his feet, his expression wavered.

Probably because everyone was used to following and coaxing him, Jian Yiran's operation of leaving him there made Qiu Yang a little at a loss as to what to do.

He hates everyone in this show!

Why do they all get along with him in a way they are not used to?
Here he doesn't feel valued, and he doesn't seem to be cared about. Everyone always... always circles around that Yu Yuanyuan.

The little emperor who used to be at home has become a little grassroots that no one wants when he comes to the program group.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yang suddenly felt very sad, and the sadness welling up in his heart suddenly controlled his brain.

The sockets of his eyes were sore and hot, and the increasingly intense depression and loss in his body made him unable to restrain the invasion of tears.

It's just that he doesn't want to be ridiculed, nor does he want to be looked down upon.

Dad said, a man is not allowed to cry, crying is shameful!
Qiu Yang deliberately turned his body in the opposite direction, not wanting Jian Yiran to see the tears on his face.

Even though he thought he was hiding it well, Jian Yiran saw that brat's fragile side in the mirror.

Outside the tent was lively and lively, and there were the sounds of children laughing and playing.

Sun Chengyu was running around outside with Ling Zi, Su Zhirui, and Yu Yuanyuan, laughing happily from time to time.

The joy outside made the silence in the tent even heavier.

Qiu Yang stood alone and cried for a while, then suddenly wiped away the tears, biting his lips to pretend to be strong.

Jian Yiran just got up and opened the suitcase for him to find out the towel: "Go and wash your face, I played games and ran all day today."

The little hand grabbed the towel and ran, the back was panicked and nervous, as if afraid of being seen by the little friends outside.

But everyone was having a good time, and no one cared whether he was crying or not.

After going to the public restroom to wash his face, Qiu Yang saw the joyful atmosphere at a glance.

For some reason, he felt as if there were several barriers of depression around him, separating himself from other people.

He doesn't envy the excitement, but he can't help but feel disappointed because he doesn't have it.

"Qiu Yang, the hot water is not so hot anymore." Jian Yiran's voice suddenly sounded from the tent door, interrupting Qiu Yang's depression.

Raising his head, Qiu Yang saw the person standing at the door of the tent smiling at him, holding a black thermos cup in his hand, as if beckoning him to go home.

Qiu Yang glanced at the little friends playing outside again, and hurried into the tent.

The cake and bread that he threw on the ground before was picked up, and Jian Yiran was wiping the dirty packaging bag.

"This cake is delicious, but I've lost weight recently, so I can't eat more..." Regardless of whether Qiu Yang listened or not, Jian Yiran tore the outer packaging of the cake for him, while shaking the hot water in the thermos to help him. Cool down.

The aroma rushed into his nose, and Qiu Yang's instinct to eat made him unable to refuse, so he obediently took another bite.

He didn't know if he was hungry or the cake was really delicious, but when he took a bite into his stomach, he showed a satisfied expression.

Facing the mirror, Qiu Yang felt that he had become the same as Yu Yuanyuan who had dinner tonight.



There was a light friction sound from the tent, which was especially noticeable in a quiet environment.

Qiu Yang and Jian Yiran looked over at the same time, only to see a small head lying on the door of the tent, looking eagerly at the cake in Qiu Yang's hand.

"Yuanyuan, why are you here?" Jian Yi smiled and welcomed her in.

(End of this chapter)

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