The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 850 How did Yu Yuanyuan look so like that cat!

Chapter 850 How did Yu Yuanyuan look so like that cat!
Yu Yuanyuan didn't make a sound, but her eyes were full of answers.

Looks like they came here to be curious about the taste of that little biscuit and cake.

After all, it was the food that was taken away from under his nose, so Yu Zaizai would feel it was a pity no matter what.

Qiu Yang had already eaten most of the cake and biscuits, he glanced at the little head coldly and didn't make a sound.

"Is the cake delicious? Are the biscuits delicious?" The milk whirring and curious voice drifted into the tent with the sound of the wind.

Yu Yuanyuan's chubby appearance looks like a little cat lying on the door frame, looking eagerly at the food in other people's hands.

Qiu Yang, who was originally in a bad mood, was suddenly made to feel superior by this look.

Her tone made him feel a little better.

"It's delicious, very, very delicious!" As if to annoy her, Qiu Yang deliberately described the deliciousness, "The cake is very soft, with a strong milky aroma, and the biscuits are crunchy, with a special burnt aroma..."

"Hiss." A cat was sucking at the side of the tent.

"I've never eaten such a delicious cake!" At the end, Qiu Yang deliberately typed a summary that made Yu Zaizai yearn even more.

Just now Yu Yuanyuan made sure that He Chen brought a lot of cakes, but the two flavors that Jian Yiran took away were only a few bags, not many more.

The more you can't get something, the more Yu Zaizai misses it.

"Wow, that sounds delicious, hissing..." Yu Yuanyuan, who was lying on the side of the door, moved closer to the tent, his eyes fell on the table and was not opened. Two small bags of cakes and a packet of biscuits.

Noticing her gaze, Qiu Yang gave a smirk, intending to intentionally eat something in front of her.


He was already full, and if he ate all of this, it might be stuffed down his throat.

Thinking of being cheated by Yu Yuanyuan tonight without dinner, Qiu Yang swore secretly that even if he stretched himself to death, he would eat everything, even if he couldn't eat it and throw it away, he wouldn't let her taste the taste.

"Qiu Yang..." Just as this idea came up, Jian Yiran's voice suddenly sounded from behind, as if he had already understood a series of dark plans of his.

"Actually, these things were supposed to be Yuanyuan, some of them were brought by He Chen, and he wanted to give them to Yuanyuan," Jian Yiran slowly approached Qiu Yang with her arms folded, her voice was calm but every word was resounding. , "Yuanyuan is willing to share the food with you, how about you share some for her to taste?"

As soon as he heard something to taste, Yu Zaizai's eyes suddenly brightened, similar to the shining stars in the sky.

Because it was Qiu Yang who was holding the cake, Yu Zaizai stared at him precisely, his eyes were firm and full of expectation.

Those swarthy eyes are particularly round, and the pupils are a circle larger than ordinary people, making her very cute and harmless.

But Qiu Yang still remembered the matter of Yu Yuanyuan not giving him food, and decided in his heart that this little thing was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Hehe, since she wants to eat, isn't it just right for him to tease her?

"Yu Yuanyuan, do you want to eat this?" Qiu Yang held up the remaining two small bags of cakes and biscuits, showing an evil smile like a devil.

Jian Yiran saw that Qiu Yang was going to make trouble again, so he frowned and stood aside, ready to stop him at any time.

"I want to duck~~~~" The baby-like little cub lifted up that fleshy little paw.

Yu Yuanyuan's skin is white, and her tender and round hands are like small steamed buns. The way she raises them... looks very similar to Qiu Yang's family's cat.

For some reason, Qiu Yang suddenly couldn't bear to bully her.

Meow at home has been his favorite pet since childhood.

How could Yu Yuanyuan look so much like that cat! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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