The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 862 How Can You Curse Yuanyuan!

Chapter 862 How Can You Curse Yuanyuan!

"Okay, okay!" Qiu Yang didn't care about anything, he just wanted to finish his experiment quickly.

Hearing that he agreed, Su Zhirui rolled up her sleeves and raised her hands high: "Come on!"

In the five consecutive rounds of punching, Qiu Yang won 3 times and Su Zhirui lost 2 times.

He and Su Zhirui punched for an experiment, so naturally they didn't cheat, they looked away the whole time, deliberately not watching the changes in Su Zhirui's hand shape under slow movements.

"Oh," Su Zhirui lowered her head in disappointment, "I lost, Yuanyuan has no horses to ride."

Qiu Yang excitedly pulled Sun Chengyu up, and hid in a corner to discuss in a low voice.

"Look, Yu Yuanyuan has won consecutive victories!"

Sun Chengyu nodded: "I saw it. I heard from brother Wen Ai before that I just thought it was miraculous, but I really saw it... It's quite shocking."

"She must have super powers, she must have super powers!" Qiu Yang exclaimed excitedly, grabbing Sun Chengyu's coat.

He looked happy at this time, just like an ordinary little boy, completely gone from the arrogant and domineering look he had before.

It seems to have accidentally opened up a special side that is unknown.

"In that case...wouldn't we be doomed to lose if we play games with Yuanyuan in the future?" Sun Chengyu thought of another worrying thing.

Since they came to participate in the show, everyone is going all out to win.

But Yu Yuanyuan has superpowers!

"However, even if we lose, we will still lose to someone with superpowers." Qiu Yang patted Sun Chengyu on the shoulder, "It's so cool! I want to have superpowers too! I want to move fast, soooooh, You can go wherever you want in the blink of an eye.”

Sun Chengyu wanted to ask, why not have the superpower of teleportation?
Isn't this more convenient?
But he didn't ask. Although Qiu Yang is a bit bluffing now, he looks more pleasing to the eye than ever before.

After talking with Sun Chengyu, Qiu Yang went back to talk to Yu Yuanyuan, deliberately asking her about her living habits.

Maybe...according to her way of life, he can also have superpowers!
"Yu Yuanyuan, have you ever been struck by lightning?" Qiu Yang said the words that shocked Zai Zai.

What! !Got struck by lightning! !

Thinking of the small animals in the fairyland, Yu Zaizai shuddered and said angrily, " can you curse Yuanyuan!"

Qiu Yang: "?"

"Yuanyuan is still a child, Lei can't hit Yuanyuan." Yu Zaizai was indignant.

She is still young, Ma Ma said, she did not encounter the catastrophe so soon.

Baba is much, much older than her to experience catastrophe, how could she encounter catastrophe now!


"That's not what I meant." Qiu Yang waved his hands in a panic, "I'm just curious about why your luck is so good. Is there something special that changed your fate?"

something special?

It seems that there is nothing special!

Yuanyuan's luck has been so good since she was born.

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan's confused face, Qiu Yang gave up communicating with her about the "misfortune" in his life, and began to communicate with her about her living habits.

"What do you eat every day?" Qiu Yang asked curiously.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and diet should also have a great impact on the human body.

When it comes to eating, Xiao Zai Zai is not sleepy anymore. He talked for more than ten minutes before reluctantly sharing his usual eating habits.

Qiu Yang was dumbfounded when he heard this: "You...are you really human? You eat so much???"

(End of this chapter)

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