The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 863 She Wins 19 Times in a Row

Chapter 863 She Wins 19 Times in a Row

Yu Yuanyuan: "!!!"

How did he know that Yuanyuan is not silver!
Does he know that Yuanyuan is a little meow? ?

Introduce a secret not to let other people know!
Xiao Zai Zai hesitated: "You...don't talk nonsense~ Yuanyuan is silver~"

No matter how guilty this small tone was, Qiu Yang was speechless for a while.

What is she guilty of?
Yu Yuanyuan looked at him horizontally and vertically, no matter how he looked, he was human, and he couldn't possibly be a little monster.

Besides, in his life cognition, it is much easier to accept "superpowers" than "monsters".

"I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep, you guys can play by yourself." After failing to get some superpower training methods from Yu Zaizai, Qiu Yang lost all energy and went back to the tent with a yawn.

Jian Yiran had already borrowed the kettle to boil hot water. When Qiu Yang came back, he immediately asked, "Do you want to wash your face? The hot water is ready."

"Ah?" Qiu Yang was stunned, and pointed towards the bathroom, "Is there no hot water in the public bathroom over there?"

"No, hot water can only be obtained by boiling water," Jian Yiran shook her head and said, "I also poured the hot water into your water glass, and I have to let it dry for a while."

After the words fell, an impatient "tsk" sounded from Qiu Yang's direction.

In previous contacts, I have heard this syllable simplified translation countless times, and it is often the prelude to his temper.

Even the good-tempered Jian Yiran suddenly felt a little tired at this moment.

It would be a lie to say that I am not tired, but Jian Yiran is more emotional.

How did such a young child be educated by his family to turn him into such a character.

When the child grows up, his impulsive and irritable personality is likely to ruin his life.

Jian Yiran felt more heartbroken for a child's future.

Even though his father is a great director, but... will this really make his life smooth?
"It's so annoying!" Qiu Yang scolded, "If only I had the superpower of 'fire', then I just need to 'like this', and I'll have hot water to take a bath immediately."

Simple translation: "?"

"No, if you have both the superpower of water and the superpower of fire, then you can have hot water anytime, anywhere."

I thought Qiu Yang was going to lose his temper, but what Jian Yiran heard was that he was struggling with how to use his superpowers better.

Jian Yiran couldn't help laughing: "Your idea is quite interesting."

"I made a big discovery just now!" Qiu Yang pulled Jian Yiran excitedly, and took the initiative to chat with him for the first time, "I did an experiment with Sun Chengyu, and I think Yu Yuanyuan has superpowers!"

If it were any other adult, they would definitely feel that Qiu Yang was talking nonsense, and even if he just said a few perfunctory words, he wouldn't care.

But Jian Yiran has been waiting for an opportunity to get closer to Qiu Yang, so naturally he will not give up this active conversation.

"Why?" Jian Yiran is an actor, so it's not difficult to make a particularly interested and serious expression.

"Can you believe it? I lost to Yu Yuanyuan... 14 times in a row!" In the middle of speaking, Qiu Yang deliberately added and subtracted to figure out how many times he had lost.

Jian Yiran raised her eyes and looked outside the tent, recalling the scene where Qiu Yang was talking to the children at the other end, and asked, "Is that just now?"

"I lost nine times in a row in the dinner game at night, as you can see," Qiu Yang said very seriously, "Just now I went to Yu Yuanyuan to play guessing left and right, and she beat me five times, and I asked Sun Chengyu to also Playing boxing games with her, she also wins five times in a row! In other words...she wins 9 times in a row!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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