Chapter 876 A Headache

Presumably now he and Xing Junqian are struggling to escape, but Yu Yuanyuan is still sleeping here.

"Get up..." Qiu Yang subconsciously wanted to get angry, but suddenly thought of something, and immediately changed his tone, "You can't sleep here, without a quilt, you will catch a cold."

Xiao Zaizai, who was about to close his eyes, trembled following his words, and opened his eyes again after being dazed: "You're right!"

In the next second, the wobbly little body climbed off the sofa, walked to the side drawer and squatted down to search for things.

Little Claw checked the drawers side by side, and actually asked her to take out a pig pillow.

After the zipper on the pillow was unzipped, it was a small thin quilt, which was round enough to cover Yu.

Seeing that Yu Yuanyuan was about to climb up to sleep again, Qiu Yang was stunned.

Looking for a quilt, is there really a quilt waiting for her there? ? ?
In this case, sleep without a sense of urgency? ? ?

For a moment, Qiu Yang didn't know what to be surprised about.

"Yu Yuanyuan!" He couldn't bear it any longer, and dragged Xiao Zai Zai up from the sofa, "Where did you put that sticker? You have to put it on to start the hunting time!"

The small body that was so sleepy and crumbling took out a sticker from his pocket, and handed it forward: "Here."

"No, Yu Yuanyuan, you can't sleep! Jinman is catching us!"

"But Yuanyuan is really sleepy." If it wasn't for Qiu Yang's support, he doubted that Yu Yuanyuan would fall down and fall asleep in seconds.

"When the hunting time is up, we have to catch others. If you sleep here, we will lose." Qiu Yang tried to wake Yu Yuanyuan up, but because of her status as a superpower, she couldn't. Take too aggressive arousal.

Everyone in the lounge was already laughing, and Jian Yi, who was a little worried at first, continued to watch the "live broadcast" in peace.

Qiu Yang's irritable eyes were obviously very upset, but it seemed that he didn't lose his temper with Yu Yuanyuan for some reason.

Even patiently persuaded her.

But no matter what he said, the small body he was pushing was sliding down, and finally he lay straight on the sofa, almost falling asleep in a second.

"Yu Yuanyuan! Do you still want to win!" Qiu Yang gritted his teeth and asked.

The small body buried in the quilt replied faintly: "Yuanyuan can be used as a bait, lie here, and wait for someone to come... Ph... Ph..."

There was no rush to finish the words, the breath already said everything.

She fell asleep again!
But Qiu Yang didn't wake her up again, Yu Yuanyuan's words inspired him.

That's right, when it's their turn to hunt, Yu Yuanyuan can be used as a bait here, he just needs to hide and attack!

Just like when He Chen and she attacked him before.

Qiu Yang was suddenly agitated. When he thought of the situation of losing at that time, not only was he not angry, but he was eager to use the same thing on others.

He opened the cabinet on the side, and there were some sundries, books and small flags inside.

As long as the inside is emptied, he can hide here.

This cabinet is close to Yu Yuanyuan, he only needs to open the door to reach out and grab people.

Moreover, this compartment is very small, and ordinary people may not think that people can hide here.

Qiu Yang is very thin, as long as he curls up hard, he can just hide inside.

Just after hiding, Qiu Yang thought of another troublesome problem.

He and Yu Yuanyuan are both in the waiting room, how can we ensure that the target can come to the waiting room just in time for their hunting? ?

(End of this chapter)

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