The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 877 Give her a chance to struggle

Chapter 877 Give her a chance to struggle

Qiu Yang glanced at Yu Yuanyuan who was sleeping soundly through the gap, and suddenly a crazy idea popped up in his mind.

Yu Yuanyuan has superpowers, he doesn't need to worry about whether someone will come in, he just needs to be prepared!

Even playing games can make her win 19 times in a row, what is impossible?

Qiu Yang deliberately put the stickers on his body facing the camera, and then hid in the cabinet again to prepare.

As soon as the cat was in good shape, the speaker in the lounge croaked: "The eagle caught the chick, and Xing Junqian was eliminated!"

Jin Man eliminated Xing Junqian! ! ! !

In fact, eliminating Xing Junqian ruined Jin Man's plan, because she promised He Chen that Yuanyuan would not be eliminated.

But God seemed to be joking with her on purpose, obviously she was looking for Qiu Yang, but repeatedly bumped into Xing Junqian, and happened to be behind his hiding place.

After three consecutive excellent sneak attack opportunities, Jin Man couldn't bear it anymore, and decisively took Xing Junqian down!

There are still two minutes left in the hunting time.

Qiu Yang's heart was beating wildly, he was even more nervous than when he was playing games.

Jin Man was following the camera, she clasped her hands in embarrassment, posed to the camera and said, "I'm sorry, He Chen, if I bump into Yuanyuan later, I can only eliminate her. I promise Ruirui, this time I will win a badge for her."

After saluting first, saying sorry to the camera, Jin Man's eyes suddenly overflowed with murderous look and began to look for someone.

It's strange to say that she hasn't bumped into Yu Yuanyuan and Qiu Yang after wandering around the gymnasium for so long.

Are they hiding in some hidden place?

Yes, they must have been in hiding, and the smaller, more confined spaces had to be searched carefully.

Jin Man saw a lounge not far away at a glance. Just now, she heard noises near this lounge.

But when she ran over, there was only one soda can over there, and no one else was found.

A thought exploded in her heart, and Jin Man opened her eyes wide in surprise: "Could it be the soda can that Yu Yuanyuan threw down after drinking? She is actually nearby?"

The rest room is also considered a confined space, and Jin Man will not miss this opportunity to search.

"Click..." The door lock turned and the door opened slowly.

Jin Man, who is still in the hunt, is not worried about being attacked at all, she wants to fight for every minute and every second as soon as possible.

When Qiu Yang heard the sound of opening the door, his heart shrank suddenly, and his palms began to sweat involuntarily.

coming!It really came!
Yu Yuanyuan really has superpowers!
she!fruit!Of course!Have!overtake!can!force!
Qiu Yang now firmly believed in Yu Yuanyuan's strength, and what he was worried about now was whether he could make a timely move to win the victory for himself.

This made people more nervous than when he attacked Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen before.

The side of the sofa was facing the direction of the door, and Jin Man could only see the armrest of the sofa from the angle she was standing, and successfully passed Yu Yuanyuan.

But she won't just go out after looking around, there are too many places to search here.

I don't know why, but from the moment she stepped here, her intuition was telling her - this is it!

Jin Man, who looked around the wall for a while, walked to the sofa, and suddenly saw the little ball lying on the sofa!
Yu Yuanyuan was covered with a quilt, sleeping so loudly, it was a sweet smell, Jin Man couldn't bear to do anything with her in such a state.

It seems to be bullying a little milk cat who has no ability to fight back. If this gets seems a bit embarrassing.

It was embarrassing to catch the child, but now the child is still sleeping, if she directly attacked...

Forget it, wake up Yu Yuanyuan first, and give her a chance to struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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