Chapter 885
"Hmph, Yuanyuan hasn't been bullied." Xiao Zai Zai crossed her waist and raised her head, "Yuan Yuan won!"

Judging by the nimble hands and feet of Xiao Zai Zai, it shouldn't be a big problem.

She is Yu Jinxiao's daughter, who would dare to really bully her?
"That's great, Yuanyuan is so smart!" The twins clapped their hands and praised regardless of the pros and cons.

"Does Yuanyuan want to learn two more tricks?" In order to play more with Yu Yuanyuan, Mo Yunqing seized the opportunity decisively to arouse Xiao Zai Zai's interest.

Having tasted the taste of victory, how could Yu Yuanyuan say "no", her little head turned into a phantom: "Okay, okay~ Yuanyuan wants to become even more aggressive~"

"Then let's find a place to practice!" After saying that, Mo Yunqing wanted to take Xiao Zai Zai to another place.

There are many people in black clothes at the door, all of them look fierce, which greatly affects their mood of playing.

Xiao Zai Zai didn't take the initiative to go with them, but grabbed Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan's clothes with his claws: "Yuanyuan can't go too far, brothers and sisters in black will have a hard time."

He Shuxuan was suddenly relieved to hear the baby's caring voice.

Meeting such a lovely and lovely object of protection really saved them a lot of trouble and brought a lot of joy.

"It's okay, Miss Yuanyuan, you can go wherever you want, but we have to follow you." He Shuxuan bent down, trying to get closer to talk to Yu Yuanyuan, so as to shorten the distance between them.

"Then let's play on the grass in front!" The fat finger pointed forward, and said softly, "There is mud over there, so it won't hurt if you fall."

"Okay, listen to Yuanyuan." The twins agreed in unison.

I heard from my father before that Yuanyuan's family hired bodyguards for her to protect her safety.

I didn't expect that there were so many people, and the twins would feel an invisible pressure standing with this group of people.

He Shuxuan could see the alienation in the children's eyes, deliberately kept a distance from them, and observed carefully from a long distance.

I saw the little potato standing beside the two teenagers who were much taller than her, one of them was gesticulating, and the other was acting as a model.

"Yuanyuan, if someone reaches out to hit you, you grab his wrist, just like breaking his thumb like this!" Mo Yunqing also used Mo Yunlan as a training object, but he didn't really use his strength, just a commentary with a demonstration.

Xiao Zaizai looked at it very seriously, just like she did when she was in Shen Ji's cram school, her eyes were very focused, and her little hands were gesturing in the air.

Even without eavesdropping, He Shuxuan knew what they were talking about.

When he was monitoring Xiao Zai Zai on the show before, he saw a scene that shocked him.

That soft little polite little potato can actually kick people's hind legs from behind and lock their throats!

He Shuxuan was shocked when he saw that scene.

Yu Yuanyuan doesn't seem like the kind of person who would do such a thing, and now he knows that someone taught him.

"Is it Jiangzi?" Yu Yuanyuan imitated Mo Yunqing's explanation, and tried it on Mo Yunlan.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!" Mo Yunlan didn't expect Yu Yuanyuan to be so strong, and she shouted too loudly, which startled the little one.

"To Buji, brother Yunlan, are you alright?" With her retracted hands hidden behind her back, Yu Yuanyuan bent over and nervously checked Mo Yunlan's thumb.

"It's okay, it's okay, Yuanyuan learned very well." After the pain, she still wanted to praise, Mo Yunlan laughed while hurting.

If it was someone else, it wouldn't be over if Mo Yunlan didn't hit him with a black nose and a swollen face.

"Yuanyuan, what are you playing here?" Shen Ji's voice suddenly floated from behind, he was pleasant to hear, but the expression on his face was a half-smile, clearly staring at the twins.

(End of this chapter)

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