The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 886 Good guy, this is a provocation!

Chapter 886 Good guy, this is a provocation!
He Shuxuan, who looked at him from a distance, actually saw an illusion of a Shura field from those figures.

Only Xiao Douding, who was surrounded in the middle, was the happiest. The other three teenagers were smiling on the surface, but they all looked at each other with hostility.

"Yuanyuan is learning to fight!" Tong Yanwuji, Yu Zaizai replied without thinking.

Mo Yunqing immediately patted his little head gently, and re-emphasized: "This is not a fight, it is to teach Yuanyuan to protect herself."

"Oh, it's not a fight!" The grass cub on the wall immediately changed his words.

"Be careful, don't get hurt," Shen Ji didn't interrupt Yu Yuanyuan and the twins' play, but found a place to sit down and looked at them with a smile, "Be careful."

When children are immersed in the things they are interested in, they don't like to be interrupted and denied. Shen Ji also knows this rule deeply.

He would never hit Yu Yuanyuan when she was happy, even if she was playing with the twins.

"Brother Shen Ji, you have to be careful with your claws!" Xiao Zaizai squatted beside him, pointing to his gauze-covered hand, "If you want to drink water or cheat, tell Yuanyuan, and Yuanyuan will get it." come out."

"It's okay, I hurt my hand, not my foot." Hearing Yuanyuan's words, Shen Ji burst out laughing.

The twins watched enviously from where they were. They had never enjoyed Yuanyuan's considerate care and care.

This Shen Ji has actually lived in Yu's house, and... still has a lot of weight in Yuanyuan's heart!
Remembering what their father said before, the twins suddenly sounded the alarm. So far, this Shen Ji is definitely the person who threatens them the most.

"Yun Lan, this Shen Ji is so annoying." Mo Yunqing gritted her teeth and lowered the volume to the lowest level so that Yu Yuanyuan and Shen Ji could not hear.

Mo Yunlan nodded, but her fierce eyes suddenly changed: "It's very annoying, but...he saved Yuanyuan, so he helped us."

These words seemed to be a splash of cold water, extinguishing the twins' unhappiness at once.

What happened at Mo's house that day is vivid in their minds, and occasionally when they go to sleep at night, they will still have nightmares going back to that day.

If it wasn't for Shen Ji's appearance to stop that bad guy, Yu Yuanyuan might be hurt and their hearts would be tortured in pain.

Thinking of this, the twins couldn't resent Shen Ji as a bad guy.

"Hey, you... Do you want to come and play together?" Mo Yunlan held back for a long time, and took the initiative to talk to Shen Ji.

Probably because they have been with Yu Yuanyuan for a long time, they have also learned to express their thoughts actively, and after thinking about it carefully, they don't hate Shen Ji that much.

The sudden invitation surprised Shen Ji.

He'd just wanted to sit there and make the twins uncomfortable, never thinking they'd invite him.

"That's right, Brother Shen Ji, let's play together, let's play... What are we playing..." This is a test for the little one.

There are limited things to play with at ordinary times, and Yu Yuanyuan's age and height are bound to have many restrictions.

Shen Ji is usually nothing more than studying, studying and studying, playing and so on... He has very little experience.

Facing Xiao Zai Zai's question, he didn't know how to answer it.

"I thought of it!" The twins had an idea, "How about playing badminton?"

"Huh?" Yu Zaizai looked at Shen Ji's hand, "But brother Shen Ji's claw was injured!"

Shen Ji saw that Yu Yuanyuan wanted to play, so he patted Nuan Huhu's head and said, "It's okay, my left hand is not injured."

The twins originally wanted to change their game, but upon hearing Shen Ji's tone... Good guy, this is a provocation!

You can beat them with your left hand? !

(End of this chapter)

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