The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 902 Who Is The Most Beautiful Woman In The World?

Chapter 902 Who Is The Most Beautiful Woman In The World?

It was the first time to perform in a kindergarten, and Yu Zaizai also wanted to perform well. Even in her dreams at night, she was still repeating the story of Snow White in her dreams.

The children were already interested in the story, and it took Yu Zaizai almost a day to memorize the content of the story.

During the recess time of the kindergarten, the teacher specially reminded all the children that the rehearsal program will start in the afternoon.

As for rehearsals... that means practice.

Waking up after taking a nap, the dizzy little Zaizai suddenly had his head sink, and Teacher Su put on a cute hairpin.

There is an equally red bow on the red hairpin, which is exactly the same as that worn by Snow White.

Other children were also given simple props to help them get used to their roles.

Wen Zifei was forced to wear a crown, Gu Beiyan put on a green hat, and Qiqi, who played the queen, also wore a special crown.

With the extra points of props, it really looks like that.

Teacher Su squinted her eyes and smiled very intently. Looking at this group of cute little Doudings, she suddenly felt a love for this job.

"Teacher~~" Yu Yuanyuan, wearing a red hairpin, suddenly swayed over, "Is it still missing... missing knives!"

"Yuanyuan, you are playing the role of a princess. A princess doesn't need knives." Teacher Su explained patiently by touching her head.

"It's not knives, it's... oh, props!" Yu Zaizai finally remembered what these things are called, "Snow White...isn't she going apples later?"

After he finished speaking slowly, those little eyes were secretly sizing him up.

Teacher Su suddenly remembered something, and ran to the warehouse to dig out a very realistic prop apple: "There it is now, Yuanyuan is really thoughtful."

"Hey hey." Xiao Zaizai squinted her eyes happily, but her slightly satisfied smile made Teacher Su feel a little chilled suddenly.

It's obviously very cute, but why does it feel... I have a bad premonition.

But this feeling was only fleeting, and Teacher Su didn't take it to heart.

In order to help everyone get familiar with the interpretation process of the story, Teacher Su intends to let all the children try to move in the order of performance, and by the way, determine the lines of each child, and then help them remember.

Everyone took turns to walk and practice their lines, and finally it was the queen's turn to appear.

Chu Qi wearing the crown looks small, but she is actually the most aura among this group of children.

A mirror is placed in front of her as a prop.

"Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" It was not too difficult for Chu Qi to memorize lines.

It's just that she's not very used to acting, so far, all she can do is get her lines right.

"Here, I will answer instead of the sunglasses..." Teacher Su reminded the children with a microphone, and when she finished speaking, she heard a weak but confident voice.

"It's Kiki~~"

Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?

It's Kiki.

Who else could say this?

Teacher Su sighed and turned her head, and she saw Xiao Yuanyuan crouching behind the magic mirror and holding her voice while speaking.

"Yuanyuan, the sunglasses here should be 'Snow White'!" Miss Su hurriedly explained that Yu Yuanyuan might have taken the other children away.


The little friends in the classroom suddenly burst into laughter, only Gu Beiyan couldn't laugh.

Every little friend who plays the dwarf has a hat. He hates green the most, but he just got a green hat.

(End of this chapter)

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