The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 903 How to Play Poisoning

Chapter 903 How to Play Poisoning
From the moment the character is drawn, nothing goes right.

Gu Beiyan stood in a row with the other dwarves with a dark face, puffing up like a little puffer fish.

Even Wen Zifei, who played the role of the king, looked very high-spirited, especially the golden crown, which was very handsome when he wore it on his head.

But he only had an ugly hat.

It’s not yet time for real rehearsals. The children are just getting familiar with their positions, stories and lines. Most of the time, Teacher Su needs to coordinate them.

There are almost no acting parts.

Soon the plot came to the time when Yu Yuanyuan ate the poisoned apple.

A bed was specially set up in the rehearsal room, and when the cub who had eaten the poisoned apple fainted, the dwarf would carry her to the bed and lie down.

That bed was specially customized by Mr. Su, and the height was just right for this group of little Doudings who were about the same height.

Yu Yuanyuan still remembered the story well last night, but when it was time to perform, her mind suddenly became a little empty, and she couldn't remember the lines, so she could only walk around like a puppet under the guidance of Teacher Su .

At last!
It's finally her favorite part of eating apples!

Yu Zaizai's soulless eyes radiated an extraordinary light in an instant.

"Okay, here's the queen disguised as a villain... that is, Qiqi, who is going to deliver apples to Yuanyuan."

Reminded by Teacher Su, Qiqi walked forward with a small basket of props, raised the fake apple in her hand and began to read the lines.

Children have different talents in acting. Some are decent but can’t remember the lines, such as Yu Yuanyuan; some can memorize the lines, but they just read the lines, so don’t expect too much of their character’s attributes, such as Chu Qi .

Chu Qi, who was carrying a basket, pretended to take an apple from a basket full of apples and handed it to Yu Yuanyuan.

I can't see the viciousness, I can't see the evil, but it's cute and cute. I don't know which one to look at.

"Thank you, Qi...thank you, old lady~" Yu Yuanyuan, remembering the lines, took the fake apple, her eyes fell on the bright red skin, and she looked at it with concentration.

Yu Yuanyuan wiped the skin of the apple, and opened her mouth to bite it.

There was a chill behind Teacher Su, and he jumped up and pinched Yu Yuanyuan's hand: "Yuanyuan, you can't eat it!"

Xiao Zaizai was startled dumbfounded: "Karma? it really poisonous?"

Teacher Su really admired Yu Zaizai's brain circuit, and said with a wry smile, "Yuanyuan, this is a fake prop apple. I haven't bought the real apple yet."

"It's fake!!" Now Yu Yuanyuan was shocked.

She raised the apple in her hand and turned it over to look at it: "But it looks like it's real!"

This prop apple was used by teachers and children in games before. The texture and color are similar to the real thing, but the color saturation is relatively high. If you look closely, you can still see that it is fake.

But what it met today was Yu Zaizai, a little friend who was very eager to eat.

"Yuanyuan, you really can't eat it. If you eat it, you will go to the hospital." Teacher Su knew that she was afraid of the hospital, so she intentionally frightened her with a serious expression.

As soon as Yu Yuanyuan heard it, she immediately took it away, and the desire for food disappeared from her eyes.

Void mouth bit the air a few times, and the "poisoned" princess fell to the ground, waiting for the dwarf to carry her to the bed.

The little cub who had bitten the apple was about to perform the effect of "poisoning" when he suddenly froze.

"Teacher Su, how do you play poisoning?"

Teacher Su never thought about performing the level of poisoning, and said casually: "Just close your eyes and lie on the ground. Be careful, lie down gently, and don't get hurt."

(End of this chapter)

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