The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 908 1 fell to the ground and sobbed

Chapter 908
Shen Ji felt that something was wrong, and everything seemed normal.

Sending the cub to the kindergarten, she shook her schoolbag and waved goodbye to everyone happily.

Walking into the group of children, Gu Beiyan let out a big yawn listlessly, looked in Shen Ji's direction from the corner of the eye and asked, "Yuanyuan, are Shen Ji's hands still not healed?"

"Auntie said that the vegetable thread will be available in two days, and brother Shen Ji's claws will heal quickly by then."

Wen Zifei glanced at her, as if looking at an idiot: "Is the stitches removed?"

" seems so, Yuanyuan doesn't know what it means."

"Yuanyuan, have you memorized the lines?" Gu Beiyan asked dejectedly, "I memorized it for a long time last night, but I woke up after a nap... I only remembered a few lines, and then I forgot again, hey."

As soon as he asked, Xiao Zai Zai's eyes also enlarged.

When she recited it with Shen Ji last night, she did remember it fairly well, but's over, why can't she remember some lines!
Chu Qi could see the panic from that small face, and patted Zaizai on the shoulder to comfort him: "It's okay, Yuanyuan, everyone is the same, children's heads are so small, it's normal to memorize things slowly."

Thanks to Chu Qi's comfort, Xiao Zai Zai was finally not so anxious, and murmured with his head: "Yes, Yuanyuan's brain is so can't fit so many things."

Wen Zifei: "..." You really know how to comfort yourself.

As the "king", he has already memorized his two simple lines, and it doesn't take much effort at all.

He only felt that the world was unpredictable, but Yu Yuanyuan, who had a bad memory, won the "princess" who had the most lines.

Fortunately, my character doesn't have two lines, he doesn't like to be in the limelight, and he doesn't want to memorize so many things.

"Yuanyuan can't remember the lines, but... Yuanyuan will definitely work hard to act well!" For some reason, Xiao Zaizai suddenly clenched his fist, which looked like he had been beaten.

Gu Beiyan, who was so weak, became agitated and followed her side, howling and screaming.

Throughout the whole day, Yu Yuanyuan was looking forward to the moment of rehearsal in the afternoon.

at last!

After taking a nap, everyone rested for a while, and finally started the rehearsal.

Still the same as last time, Mr. Su walked through the scene first, and found that everyone could barely remember the lines, so he decided to rehearse according to the complete sequence of the performance.

Teacher Su also participated in the narration.

Yu Yuanyuan, who had the most lines, occasionally forgot her lines, but after a short pause, she would think of using her own logic to fill in a line with a similar meaning. Teacher Su would occasionally correct it, and occasionally let her speak according to her own logic.

Instead, it has a childish and cute feeling.

It's time to eat poisonous apples again. Today, Teacher Su bought two apples on purpose, fearing that there wouldn't be enough for Yu Yuanyuan to eat.

Chu Qi stuffed some props plastic apples into the small basket she was carrying, and she held real apples in her hand.

I saw Yu Yuanyuan finished her lines according to the requirement, took a bite of an apple, and suddenly turned around, not knowing what she was doing.

When she turned her head back, she suddenly made a "puchi", and spit out a red thing hanging on the corner of her mouth.

If it weren't for the color and texture, it wouldn't be blood at first glance, Teacher Su would really be scared to death by her.

Even Chu Qi was stunned.

"Ah! It's poisonous!" Xiao Zaizai groaned, clutching his chest, stumbled back, fell to the ground and twitched, "You... you actually poisoned!"

Chu Qi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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