The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 909 It's Not An Embarrassing Act Without Emotions

Chapter 909 It's Not An Embarrassing Act Without Emotions
Watching Yu Yuanyuan's performance, the children all looked confused.

I don't know who suddenly started to clap their hands: "Wow, Yuanyuan's acting is really good, just like the TV series my mother watched."

"Really wow! Yuanyuan is amazing!"

There was clapping and clapping in the classroom, and Teacher Su helplessly supported his forehead.

"Yuanyuan, although it is a poisonous apple, it actually stuck the princess' throat," Teacher Su tried to make Yu Yuanyuan understand that there is no need to act so "painfully". "After the prince kissed her, the poisonous apple suddenly came out It fell out of the throat and the princess came back to life."

Yu Yuanyuan looked at Teacher Su in astonishment, the ketchup she had carefully prepared for Aunt Chen last night was hanging from the corner of her mouth: "This is..."

"But Yuanyuan did a good job just now." It was a blow to Xiao Zaizai's confidence, so Teacher Su took the lead in clapping her hands to encourage her.

"Then if there is no need for blood, Yuanyuan will... eat it?" Xiao Zai Zai stretched out his small tongue to test the ketchup at the corner of his mouth.

"Eat it, it's okay, Yuanyuan can just fall down slowly after biting the apple." Teacher Su couldn't laugh or cry.

I don't know where this little cub came from, but he can still play such a "poisoning".

Apart from other things, this age is pretty decent.

Xiao Zai Zai licked off the ketchup from the corner of his mouth, and lay down again obediently, with his hands crossed on his stomach, lying upright.

The rehearsal was successfully completed once.

Most of the children are still not able to memorize all their lines. Teacher Su will patiently guide them to recall by themselves, or simply simplify the lines.

After such a complete row, she was so tired that she was sweating profusely.

It is not an easy task to control so many children at once.

After the performance of "vomiting blood" was rejected, Xiao Zaizai was a little lost, but at the end of the rehearsal, Teacher Su praised her for remembering her lines well, and Yu Zaizai immediately "lived" again.

In her heart, it was all due to "Shen Ji"!

After school, Xiao Zai Zai happily waited in the study room for Shen Jifei to practice acting and lines together.

As long as brother Shen Ji is around, she will definitely be able to perform better!
Shen Ji went to the hospital to change his dressing and came back. As soon as he opened the door, he saw her little cub sitting obediently on a stool drawing pictures and waiting for her.

The moment the door was opened, the round head that was originally buried immediately lifted up and smiled at him: "Brother Shen Ji is gaining weight!"

There is not much light, and the dark abyss in my heart seems to be illuminated by a ray of sunshine in an instant.

In the past, when Shen Ji came home, he was always greeted by deserted words from the group of so-called "family members" and one chore after another.

But ever since he moved to Yu's house, he was greeted every day with a happy smile from Xiao Zai Zai.

At that moment just now, he even liked that he could die at this moment, at the happiest moment, and he could be regarded as capturing happiness forever.

"Brother Shen Ji~~~ Can you also practice with Yuanyuan today?" Xiao Zaizai slid down from the stool, ran over and grabbed his hand, dispelling Shen Ji's somewhat dark thoughts.

Shen Ji touched the corners of his lips and smiled from the bottom of his heart: "Okay."

Yu Yuanyuan forgot some of the lines memorized yesterday, Shen Ji didn't blame her, but patiently memorized it again with her.

Xiao Zai Zai, who feels good about himself, wants to add a little acting to match his lines this time.

I have to say that Yu Yuanyuan seems to be born with a good performance ability.

Maybe it's because of her sincere character, she gives people a very "real" charm when acting, and it's not an embarrassing performance without emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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