The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 910 For Yuanyuan, I Can Change Anything

Chapter 910 For Yuanyuan, I Can Change Anything
Shen Ji can't guide her in acting, but he can easily memorize all the lines and narration, and provide Yu Yuanyuan with help with the lines.

The plot goes all the way to the end, the princess who got stuck in the poisoned apple is lying on the bed and needs the prince's kiss to wake up.

The little cub lay down on the ground in a very playful manner, and put his hands on his stomach obediently.

The carpeted floor was soft, and Yu Yuanyuan almost fell asleep when she fell asleep.

She lay on the ground for a minute, two minutes, five minutes...huh?Why is Brother Shen Ji silent?

Rounding his head, he opened one eye curiously to look at Shen Ji: "Brother Shen Ji, why don't you continue?"

Shen Ji recalled it carefully, thinking that he had missed something: "Yuanyuan, I seem to have finished this part of the lines."

"But you haven't kissed Yuanyuan yet!" the milky voice reminded confidently.

It's just a rehearsal, does it really have to be as good as a performance?

Seeing the little cutie obediently lying on the ground, Shen Ji was a little at a loss.

Although they would usually play with Yu Yuanyuan in their arms, but... such a close move has never happened before.

Shen Ji looked at the little princess who was lying straight, waiting to be awakened by a kiss, and slowly moved to her side, kneeling on one knee.

The beautiful fingers gently stroked Yu Yuanyuan's hair, and slowly and seriously buried her head and kissed her forehead lightly, like a dragonfly touching water.

After feeling the kiss, Xiao Zai Zai continued to follow the story seriously until the rehearsal of the complete story was over.

"Wow, Yuanyuan seems to have succeeded!" Yu Zaizai raised his paw and cheered happily.

Just as Shen Ji was about to clap his hands in agreement, his small body ran over again, and changed his words: "No, I'm still married!"

" did it end?" Shen Ji, who had never participated in rehearsals, asked in astonishment.

Raising her round claws, Yu Yuanyuan shook hands: "The princess wants to walk forward with the prince's arm around her, and also wave to everyone."

After all, Yu Yuanyuan wanted to learn how to hold Shen Ji like she rehearsed in school...

But when she raised her arm, the claws could barely catch Shen Ji's lower elbow.

"Ah, Brother Shen Ji is so tall!" For the first time, Xiao Zai Zai seriously compared the height difference between himself and Shen Ji, "Yuanyuan can't hook..."

The little Qiuqiu who was standing still tried to jump up a bit, like a short-legged little meow who was only catching butterflies.

It can be hooked when you jump up...but when you land, the claws will slide out from the elbow.

When the princess got married, she shouldn't be jumping and holding the prince's arm.

Xiao Zai Zai had rehearsed many times in the kindergarten, but this was the first time she encountered such a situation that made her stunned.

For rehearsal, of course it is best to complete it completely!

Looking at the bouncing little milk bag beside him, Shen Ji smiled softly, and suddenly knelt down on one knee and raised his arm.

When he just came back from school, he took off his school uniform and only wore a clean white shirt, exactly like the prince in Yu Yuanyuan's imagination.

"Yuanyuan, won't you be able to reach it this way?" After Shen Ji knelt down on one knee, the little cub finally didn't need to jump up and down.

"Wow, that's great!" the little cub, who hooked Shen Ji at once, muttered alone, "Yuanyuan has to work hard to grow taller, only when she grows taller can she catch brother Shen Ji."

"It's okay." Shen Ji touched the little furry head beside him, "For Yuanyuan, I can change anything."

(End of this chapter)

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