The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 918 Hula, hold that knife once

Chapter 918 Hula Hold That Knife
"Okay, Yuanyuan believes in Baba." Xiao Tangyuan's muffled voice sounded a little forced.

Who does she not believe he believes? ? ?

For no reason, why did he ask someone to prick her?
Yu Jinxiao stared at the lump of balls, thinking how this habit was exactly the same as that of cats.

As long as I go to the pet hospital once and get stabbed once, every time I open the door, I suspect that the owner will catch me and get the needle.

Isn't this the same as Yu Zaizai's reaction?

Yu Jinxiao's sparring training is over, and the rest is left to the three brothers to accompany Xiao Tangyuan to continue.

As far as Yu Yuanyuan is concerned, it doesn't affect her anymore, she just needs to share the queen's role with Shen Ji.

After a night of rehearsals, Yu Yuanyuan became more familiar with the lines, and was able to share more experience to increase the acting part.

Children are actually sensitive to the experience of feelings, just need Shen Ji's guidance, and Yu Yuanyuan can think of what kind of emotion to use to read the current lines.

When she went to school for rehearsal the next day, Teacher Su looked at her with admiration.

In daily rehearsals, Yu Yuanyuan can see obvious progress.

Gu Beiyan was not very interested in acting as a dwarf at first, but seeing Yu Zaizai being so serious also inspired his fighting spirit, and he began to add the part to the role.

In fact, Gu Beiyan's dwarf didn't have many lines, but because of the addition of performances, his inconspicuous role has become more attractive.

"Kids, please work hard and practice. The performance is next Friday, and all the parents will be invited to watch the performance." In order to motivate the children, Teacher Su simply moved the news ahead of time.

As soon as they heard that the parents would come to watch the show, the children made a fuss and started discussing happily in low voices.

Yu Zaizai was supposed to record the show on the weekend, but because the winter vacation is coming soon, Xie Xin adjusted the recording time, planning to concentrate on the recording during the winter vacation, so as to speed up the shooting progress.

After getting in touch with all the parents, Mengbo 1+1 will focus on the 3-4 consecutive shoots during the summer vacation.

Knowing that there is no need to record the show in the end, Xiao Zai Zai called and chatted with He Chen for a while, and the first time he opened his mouth, he wanted to eat brother or something.

But of course He Chen knew what she was really thinking, it shouldn't be him, but the cakes and biscuits he brought every time.

After chatting with He Chen, the busy little Zai Zai immediately made another phone call quietly to Ma Ma.

The perfect time to get home from school every day before everyone else is home is the best chance for her to call Ma Ma.

"Zai Zai~~ Why haven't you called Ma Ma for so long?" He Yitong's silly laugh came from the phone.

Yu Zaizai laughed "hehe" twice, and told He Yitong all the recent events side by side.

When You Qi heard that Xiao Zai Zai was being kidnapped by the bad guys, He Yitong was so frightened that he almost dropped his phone.

"What??? Zai Zai, are you alright? Are you injured?" He Yitong was in a state of confusion, walking back and forth with his mobile phone in his hands, "I'll come to Yu's house right now!"

"Yuanyuan is fine," Xiao Zai Zai Nai Hu Hu replied, "Brother Shen Ji saved Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan is not injured!"

"Shen Ji? Is that the handsome guy I met at Yu's house before?" He Yitong had a deep impression on Shen Ji, after all, such a good-looking boy is not something you can just meet.

Even though I have met and worked with many child stars, none of them are as dazzling and special as Shen Ji.

"That's right, Brother Shen Ji is so handsome, he grabbed that knife with a whimper!" Yu Zaizai talked about the situation at that time, and learned to cadence, He Yitong frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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