Chapter 919
Yu Zaizai spoke with suspense, and He Yitong's heart beat wildly.

"Then... is his hand... all right?" He Yitong swallowed and asked nervously.

"Injured," Xiao Zai Zai said wearily at this point, "but brother Shen Ji's hand has healed a lot recently, and I heard it's almost a vegetable thread."

Only then did He Yitong relieve her frown.

It's okay, it's okay.

Unexpectedly, she went to the mountains to film for a week, and such a big thing happened.

Several times during the period, she wanted to find a place with a signal to make a phone call with Zai Zai, but she went to many places, but there was no signal. Another time it was so dark that she almost rolled off the cliff.

From then on, the assistant followed He Yitong every step of the way, not allowing her to run around in the mountains.

"Don't worry, Ma Ma, Yuanyuan is fine~" Xiao Zai Zai's laughing voice comforted He Yitong, "Yuan Yuan will be performing on Friday next week!"

"A show? What kind of show?" He Yitong asked curiously when he heard that Zai Zai was about to perform.

"Performing in kindergarten, Yuanyuan is Snow White."

"Wow, Zai Zai must be cute! Ma Ma must come to see it that day!"

"Wow wow wow!"

After hanging up the phone, the smile on He Yitong's face froze.

Oh, she really wants to go, but in what capacity should she go?
At present, she and Yu Jinxiao have not remarried, and the character Yuanyuan in the book is not her biological cub. According to normal logic, she should not take the initiative to appear in the kindergarten.

But but, she really wants to see Zai Zai play Snow White! ! !
Definitely knock-knock cute!

He Yitong rubbed his chin and thought for a long time, when suddenly he had a flash of inspiration!
It's time for her to find an excuse to show off in front of Yu Jinxiao, he hopes so much that he and Yuanyuan get along well, maybe he will invite her to go with him, when the time comes... Hehehe, she just needs to agree.

There is also a second plan - Yuanyuan Zai stalks and invites her, and she pretends to be forced to agree, so that she can also go to the show successfully!

No matter which one it is, she has to find a chance to appear in front of Zai Zai and Da Hei Zi.

After making a plan, He Yitong asked his assistant to pick out three gifts, and tomorrow afternoon she went to Yu's house to pretend to see her two sons, but in fact... the target was the cubs!
Unaware that he had become a part of the plan, when he heard someone calling him downstairs, he happily threw off his legs and ran out.

It was Gao Zhou who called her, and Yu Zaizai climbed down slowly while holding on to the handrail, and saw a strange man standing in the hall.

She never saw it.

Unaccustomed to a stranger appearing suddenly, Yu Yuanyuan swayed behind Gao Zhou's legs, peeking out half of her head.

Qin Xiao, who wanted to pretend to be calm, had already been overwhelmed by the cuteness in his heart, and his eyes were narrowed into a line: "Hello, Yuanyuan."

If Gao Zhou hadn't been there, he really wanted to rush up and hug Yuanyuan directly.

"Huh? Brother, how do you know Yuanyuan's name!" Little Zaizai's big black eyes were full of curiosity.

Ouch, call him brother, not uncle, Qin Xiao covered her chest, her eyes narrowed into a line with a smile: "Of course, Yuanyuan is so cute, everyone knows Yuanyuan."

Hearing someone praising him, Yu Zaizai smirked "hehehe".

"Yuanyuan, he's here to check your body." Gao Zhou cleared his throat and carefully revised his statement.

"Brother, you really don't know how to prick Yuanyuan with a needle?" He shrank behind Gao Zhou again, and the little boy shivered and asked Qin Xiao for confirmation.

(End of this chapter)

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