The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 953 The game settings are not fair at all

Chapter 953 The game settings are not fair at all

The break ends and the show resumes recording.

After everyone was grouped together, Xie Xin began to announce new competitions.

"The next second project is called 'Relay Passing the Baby'!"

The name of this new project is cute, but He Chen believes that the game is not that simple.

Pass on the baby.

Sounds like a lot of physical work...

Yu Jinxiao also had a bad premonition, to relay the the cub?How is this cub passed on?Is it like passing flowers?

Just thinking about that scene, there is a subtle atmosphere gradually spreading.

More and more people are discussing quietly, and everyone is wondering how to play this game.

Some people even speculated that it was two adults standing at both ends of a certain distance, throwing the child back and forth repeatedly.

Xie Xin was amused by their wild speculation.

"Throwing it around is very dangerous, and it may hurt children." Xie Xin denied this wild and exaggerated guess, "However, the form of this game is indeed literal."

Yu Yuanyuan, who had never played the game of drumming and passing flowers, didn't understand anything, so she could only tilt her head to look to the left, to the right, and finally to the front in confusion.

After wheezing his appetite, Xie Xin took everyone to the competition venue for the next event.

The place has already been laid out by the staff long ago. The ground is paved with colored mats and five colored runways are laid out, with two large boxes placed at both ends.

The distance is a little far, and everyone can't see what is in the box.

"Wow, how is this going to be played? Why does it seem to be different from what I thought?" Qiu Yang's father frowned, feeling a little displeased with this venue.

In fact, he has already guessed a game, but this game is unfair to him.

Xie Xin raised his hand and attracted everyone's attention with a simple action: "Actually, this game is very simple. Have you seen the big box?"

"I see!" Yu Zaizai replied the loudest.

Naihuhu's enthusiasm made everyone laugh.

"There are many small balls inside." Xie Xin stepped forward and opened the box for everyone to see. "The box on the other side is the same, but the balls in the two boxes are of different colors."

After hearing Xie Xin's words, He Chen felt a "thump" in his heart: "Don't tell me, let's change the positions of the balls in the two boxes?"

"Isn't it? It's that simple?"

"It shouldn't be possible, the program team wouldn't be so kind." Sun Chengyu's father laughed and teased.

Xie Xin stopped playing tricks, and explained the final rules clearly: "The two adult guests in the same group should stand at the two ends, start from the yellow end, put all the small balls on the children, and take them to the opposite side. Put it in the empty box across the way."

"Whoever replaces all the small balls at both ends the fastest will be considered as the end of the game, and the usage time will become the standard for ranking first, second, third, fourth, and fifth."

"I have to emphasize that children are absolutely not allowed to land after the game starts! Once they land or drop the ball, they will return to the starting point and start again."

"After confirming that you have delivered the ball, you will immediately signal the staff to pinch the watch, but if you pinch the watch before the ball has been delivered, you will lose your qualifications for the game and will not be counted in the score."

Fearing that everyone would not understand, Xie Xin specially arranged for the staff to play a round of games as a demonstration.

Just as everyone watched the demonstration and was discussing the countermeasures for releasing the ball, Qiu Yang's father protested with some displeasure: "But the children's bodies are all different, and the setting of this game is not fair at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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