The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 954 Carrying Yu Yuanyuan is just a gallop

Chapter 954 Carrying Yu Yuanyuan is just a gallop

Xie Xin has known for a long time that this great director is difficult and noble, so he can only put on a smiling mask: "But children who are taller have an advantage! I can only remind you here."

When Qiu Yang's father heard this, he wanted to continue to refute, but the cheers from the people around him drowned out his voice.

"I haven't finished my sentence, can you stop interrupting others casually, it's very impolite." Qiu Yang's father glanced at the other guests aside with a cold face.

Yu Zaizai suddenly looked shocked, and began to pull Yu Jinxiao's trouser legs desperately: "Pu Ba, Ba Ba, what was interrupted??"

Originally, the atmosphere was slightly awkward, but Yu Yuanyuan's words added a little joy.

When He Chen was snickering, he realized that even Qiu Yang was laughing too.

It's just that it was his father who was angry, so he didn't dare to show it too obviously, and pretended to wipe his chin with his sleeve, deliberately covering half of his face.

If He Chen hadn't looked carefully, it would have been difficult to spot the unbearable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Qiu Yang's father: "..."

Interrupted by Yu Yuanyuan, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Everyone, get ready, the game is about to start!" Xie Xin immediately diverted everyone's attention.

The great director was not completely ignored, so he could only temporarily suppress the unhappiness in his heart.

He Chen and Yu Jinxiao had a brief discussion and decided that He Chen would take the lead.

Both of them are used to cubs, so it shouldn't be a problem to use her to pass the ball.

The difficulty is how to put as many small balls on Yu Yuanyuan as possible.

The more balls they put in, the fewer trips they make, which saves a lot of time.


He Chen, who was already waiting by the table with Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, had a solemn expression, and the others were similar.

This is a project with children participating. Even if they have no intention of winning or losing, they hope to help their children get the best places.

The game must start before you can put small balls on the children. Almost everyone is holding their breath, not wanting to waste a minute or a second.


With an order, He Chen quickly grabbed the small pink balls in the box and stuffed them into Yu Yuanyuan's coat pocket and hat.

Xiao Zai Zai looked confused, but was quickly brought into the state by Brother Hao's hot-tempered appearance.

He Chen was helping her put the balls into the hat, and Xiao Zaizai also used his little claws to put the balls into the jacket, and finally he didn't forget to stuff a few in his hands and trousers bag.

"Yuanyuan! You are so smart!!!"

"Hey hey hey."

After turning all the small balls at once, the balls were not displayed, and seeing that it was almost done, He Chen carried Yu Yuanyuan and ran away.

Ever since he played the last episode of "Eagle Catch the Chicken" with Yu Yuanyuan in his hand, He Chen felt that his arm muscles had become much more developed, and he didn't feel particularly strenuous when he was carrying this little cub.

He survived such a long time in the last period, and now this short distance is nothing to him.

"Hey!" He Chen put Yu Yuanyuan on the table, and he and Yu Jinxiao methodically turned out the little balls side by side and poured them into the empty box.

Unexpectedly, this time, He Chen dribbled almost one-third of the balls, while the other teams worked so hard to dribble one-fifth.

Now it's Yu Jinxiao's turn to "pass the cub". In front of him is a small purple ball, which he wants to pass to the empty box opposite.

He watched He Chen's operation carefully just now, and provided Yu Jinxiao with a lot of inspiration.

"Yu Yuanyuan, tighten the hem of your clothes."


(End of this chapter)

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