The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 968 Yu Yuanyuan Did Not Foul

Chapter 968 Yu Yuanyuan Did Not Foul
Su Zhirui was already standing under the horizontal bar, frowning and anxiously trying to find a solution.

The parents on the sidelines were also like ants on a frying pan, only Yu Jinxiao had a different painting style.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, he folded his arms and let Yu Yuanyuan think for himself.

He Chen suddenly felt that Yu Jinxiao's self-confidence might be too...a bit too much?
No matter how much Yu Yuanyuan likes to eat, there are only so many things her little brain can think about. After all, some boundaries are difficult to break through.

"Hey~~" I only heard the sound of a baby's voice coming from the competition field.

Since it's not anxious crying, it's not helpless complaints.

He Chen looked around and found Yu Yuanyuan...huh? ? ?

The little guy who was standing on the ground actually climbed up the horizontal bar and was about to reach the top of the horizontal bar.

The others were not sure whether Yu Yuanyuan's plan would be successful, no one followed her plan, and they were all still trying to jump up and down below, trying to bite the biscuit dangling in mid-air.

"Yuanyuan...will it be dangerous??" He Chen covered his heart, feeling so nervous before.

A thick anti-fall blanket is laid underneath, and each horizontal bar is equipped with a staff member to keep an eye on the children to prevent them from being injured.

Children's ideas are wild and unconstrained, and it is possible to make any kind of actions.

For example, everyone didn't understand what Yu Zaizai was doing when he climbed on the horizontal bar.

Hexiu Hexiu climbed to the top, but Yu Yuanyuan was exhausted.

The little guy sat on it and shook his feet, raised his hand to wipe his forehead: "I'm tired of washing Yuanyuan!"

After a pause of two seconds, the little eyes suddenly looked down at the feet, and the little body was so frightened that it immediately hugged the pole, like a little Juju who was about to be sent to the roasting place on a skewer.

"It's so high, so scary!" Yu Yuanyuan hugged the railing, huddled into a ball, motionless.

Seeing that pitiful little appearance, He Chen suddenly proposed to Yu Jinxiao: "Why don't you hug Yuanyuan down? She seems to be very scared..."

"Not for now." Yu Jinxiao raised his hand to signal.

He Chen, who wanted to go up to help, was forced to stop, but he didn't dare to disobey Yu Jinxiao's wishes, so he could only shrink aside and wait anxiously.

Sure enough, Yu Jinxiao is still a strict father?
He Chen almost thought he was a gentle father, but now Yu Jinxiao's attitude has shaken his mind again.

"She won't go up for no reason, and wait." In the end, Yu Jinxiao knew Yu Yuanyuan better than He Chen.

This little glutinous rice ball is not a fool, she has her own set of rules, how will she know that her plan is wrong until the end?

He Chen couldn't help admiring Yu Jinxiao's calmness.

If it were any other parent, they would have immediately carried the child back to the ground.

"It's okay, Yuanyuan must eat biscuits, don't be afraid, don't be afraid," Yu Zaizai clamped his feet on the railing, and his short arms also hugged the railing tightly, and Yuanyuan wriggled on the railing, "Yuanyuan Add it! Add it! It will definitely succeed!"

The little figure who was still scared just now started to move! !
I saw Yu Yuanyuan finally climbed to the position where the rope was hung, changed her position again, and slowly stretched out her feet...

Xie Xin didn't expect Yu Yuanyuan to act like this, and immediately looked at the staff at the side.

The staff immediately understood what Xie Xin meant, smiled and shook his head.

Hands are not allowed to touch the rope, nor are hands allowed to touch the rope with tools, and they are not allowed to untie the rope... Yu Yuanyuan did not commit a foul, she touched the rope with her feet.

(End of this chapter)

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