Chapter 969
Everyone was very curious about what Yu Yuanyuan was going to do, and even some children beside him stopped their movements, watching Yu Yuanyuan's performance curiously.

Yu Zaizai, who sat himself firmly on the railing, used his clumsy little feet to wrap around the thread one after another, and successfully brought the biscuit hanging below closer.

When it was about the same time, the little body slowly bent down, biting down the biscuit lifted by its feet.

Xie Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

When he set up this game, he intended for the children to develop a friendly scene similar to "working together" to lift one person up.

It said that you can't borrow things to step on your feet, but you didn't say that you can't let people support their legs or lift their waists to eat.

Yu Yuanyuan's operation made the staff laugh until tears and snot came out, but they still haven't forgotten to pinch their watch: "Yuanyuan's completion time...hahahahaha...8 minutes and 12 seconds...hahahaha...that's amazing."

A cub sits on the railing and eats biscuits, his little eyes will change in fright when they see the height below.

Even if she was afraid, it did not prevent Yu Yuanyuan from continuing to click.

Finally finished eating the biscuits, she suddenly realized the most serious problem...

How should I go down? ?

Yu Yuanyuan sat on the railing, and pitifully asked the staff next to her for help: "Susu...can you save Yuanyuan?"

"Okay, okay." The staff member smiled uncontrollably, and was about to step forward when a pair of powerful arms hugged Yu Yuanyuan faster than him.

"Now you know you're afraid?" Yu Jinxiao patted the little head in his arms, with a cold face, looking fierce.

This can only deceive other people, not Xiao Zai Zai.

The little head was buried in Dad's heart, and he replied sullenly: "I'm a little scared, but if I pull it out, Yuanyuan isn't that scared~"

Oh, is it okay to say good things?
If she really fell off the railing, Yu Jinxiao could imagine her meowing in fright.

He Chen didn't go up to intervene, he was already shocked by the current situation of the game.

Ever since Yu Yuanyuan brought up the trend of climbing the railing, Qiu Yang and Sun Chengyu immediately followed suit. Both of them climbed onto the railing and had successfully eaten the biscuits.

Only Su Zhirui, who was afraid that she would not be able to go up, was crying and anxious, and Ling Zi, who was quiet, stared at the railing in a daze.

"I believe the program team doesn't mean to let you climb the railing and eat biscuits with your feet." Yu Jinxiao knocked on the round head, and the big eyes in his arms blinked a few times. "It should be that children help each other , the little friends can take turns to help pick up other little friends to eat biscuits, as long as they don't step on their feet."

After hearing Baba's words, Xiao Zaizai suddenly realized, and Qiu Yang and Sun Chengyu on the side also realized it.

The two looked at each other.

Since the last time they chatted about Yu Yuanyuan's superpowers in the tent, the relationship between the two of them seemed to have gotten a lot closer, and naturally there were many more topics.

Even Qiu Yang's attitude towards people has become much gentler.

Sun Chengyu looked at Su Zhirui who was crying and Ling Zi who was in a daze, and offered to propose: "How about we help too?"

"Okay." Although he didn't want to be troublesome, he had already done it, and he would not lose a piece of meat if he did this favor. Qiu Yang didn't want to hurt his kind "good friend".

"I want to help, I want to help." Yu Zaizai arched like a loach in Yu Jinxiao's arms.

As soon as she put the cub on the ground, Yu Yuanyuan ran to help Su Zhirui.

Sun Chengyu was older than Qiu Yang, so he took the initiative to help Ling Zi, who was relatively taller, while Qiu Yang went to help Su Zhirui.

(End of this chapter)

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