The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 971 Don't you just want to clean up!

Chapter 971 Don't you just want to clean up!

Director Qiu didn't want his son to lose, which made him very embarrassed.

Usually, he is strict with others at work, if his son is always at the bottom of a game, wouldn't it even embarrass him?
Director Qiu originally had a rich family background, and his career as a great director has been smooth sailing without any setbacks.

When other directors are looking for sponsors everywhere, he only needs to let the family spend a lot of money to shoot.

All the screenwriters and producers he hired were very talented and powerful. Almost every film he produced has gained a good reputation and became a frequent visitor at major award ceremonies.

Soon Director Qiu was stepping up in the industry, and his status was getting higher and higher. This feeling of rising to the top made him more light and light.

It seemed that he couldn't see his opponent, and he never thought that he would lose.

He not only has high demands on himself, but also on his son. In his opinion, losing is the most humiliating thing in the world.

You have to win no matter what!

To be like him, win from the beginning to the end.

"Are you dizzy?" Qiu Yang's father couldn't help but sternly said, "You don't even have 10 minutes, so why do you want to be a tool for others? You should be ranked second!"

Why is the second place not too bad, why did you suddenly agree to the unknown "everyone wants to win".

When Qiu Yang was told by his father, he felt a little conflicted. He lowered his head and was not sure whether to agree or not.

Xiao Zai Zai was also listening quietly, and found that Qiu Yang's father refused to agree, so she also looked in Yu Jinxiao's direction timidly.

It turns I asked Ba Ba for his opinion?
Sensing that the little eyes were secretly looking at him, Yu Jinxiao replied calmly: "You don't need to ask my opinion, you can decide what you want."

The sudden horizontal sound seemed to slap Qiu Yang's father severely.

One asked the son to follow his own decision, and the other let the daughter decide for herself.

Director Qiu was a little upset, as if he had suddenly become Yu Jinxiao's foil.

"Mr. Yu, I'm discussing this with my son. Does your sentence have any special meaning?" Others are afraid of Yu Jinxiao, but he is not. His network of contacts is extensive.

Yu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows calmly: "Why, I have to make a report for you when I talk to my daughter, and I can only open my mouth after writing an application?"

"Pfft." He Chen couldn't hold back.

He knew that Yu Jinxiao had a bad temper, but he didn't expect it to be in such a "bad" way. He was very skillful in attacking people, not fierce and furious, nor was he baring his teeth.

It felt like a single sentence could drive Qiu Dao half to death with anger.

"Then said it at this time!" Director Qiu was not convinced, he just felt that Yu Jinxiao did it on purpose.

Before coming to the show, Director Qiu heard some gossip.

It is said that Yu Jinxiao agreed to let his daughter come on the show just to use her daughter to whitewash himself, now look at it... it should be true!

Otherwise, why did he say the kind of contrasting words at that time?

"It turns out that Director Qiu speaks only after looking at the calendar in advance and calculating a good time?" Yu Jinxiao looked at Director Qiu with cold eyes, "My family has always said what they want to say, there is no such rule."

The more director Qiu thought about it, the more angry he became, his face turned red with anger: "Don't you just want to clean up!"

After the words fell, the surroundings suddenly became dead silent, and many pairs of eyes carefully looked at Yu Jinxiao's direction, as if smelling the smell of gunpowder.

(End of this chapter)

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