The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 972 Is this the meaning of scolding him for playing big names?

Chapter 972 Is this the meaning of scolding him for playing big names?
What Qiu Yang's father said, other guests also accidentally saw it on the Internet.

Everyone knows it well, but they never bring it to the table.

In fact, even if it is for whitewashing, it is a very normal thing.

Didn't many celebrities also use variety shows to sell their character designs, successfully making most of the audience forget the dark history of the past, and then bought a lot of advertising and marketing character sets to make them popular again.

Even if Yu Jinxiao really wanted to clean up his crimes, there is nothing wrong with it, this seems to be some kind of unbreakable rule.

"Wash the god horse?" Yu Yuanyuan walked forward shaking, and grabbed Baba, "Baba's clothes are very clean, no need to wash~~"

"Stop pretending," Director Qiu responded subconsciously with a smile, forgetting that it was only a child who was talking to him, "If you are whitewashing, then it's whitewashing, so what if you admit it boldly? Just don't try to use me to whitewash, I'm talking to me When my son speaks, I don’t want others to intervene rudely.”

"You are very polite, and you can also be aggressive with children. You are really full of qualities." Yu Jinxiao hugged the frightened Yu Yuanyuan, and patted his frightened little head to comfort him.

When Director Qiu heard this, his face darkened even more, his eyes puffed out as if he wanted to kill Yu Jinxiao with his eyes.

"Dad, stop arguing. Everyone is watching. You don't want to be ashamed." Qiu Yang helplessly raised his forehead, glanced at Yu Yuanyuan from the corner of his eye, and found that the little cub was biting his hand tremblingly. The words frightened me.

With great difficulty, he took one step closer to the goal of "making friends with people with super powers", and watched helplessly as his father's few words destroyed him again.

"What do you know? I'm teaching you to stick to principles at all times, neither humble nor overbearing!" Qiu Yang's father dragged his son over, as if he felt that there was a child backing him, and he would lose if he didn't, "Face To the evil forces, you must bravely express your thoughts!"

Hungry forces?
Yu Yuanyuan suddenly raised her head from Yu Jinxiao's arms, and muttered in a low voice, "It's been a while since I finished lunch, and I'm hungry, I can eat more than Yuanyuan."

It's obviously a small one, and its voice is milky, but it can make Qiu Daoqi, who is angry, so that his brain is almost congested with a single sentence.

"How can children be rude!" Director Qiu suddenly yelled loudly.

These words confused Yu Yuanyuan, she turned her head blankly, and looked at all the little friends present, as if she didn't understand who he was scolding.

The more Yu Yuanyuan had this "naturally dumb" expression, the angrier Director Qiu became.

"Why is Yuanyuan so rude?" He Chen finally couldn't hold back anymore, and retorted angrily, "Why can't you control your emotions well, and even lose your temper with your little friend?"

Unexpectedly, the 1vs1.5 battlefield turned into 1vs2 in an instant, and Director Qiu became even more angry.

"What do you know, a young actor who doesn't get ahead and hasn't practiced his acting skills well, what's the fun here!" Director Qiu's words were heart-warming, as if he couldn't say a good word without poking at someone's pain.

In particular, he has been holding back a lot of unhappiness since the beginning of the recording. He thinks that he has given the show a lot of face, and it is not easy to bear it until now.

But at this moment, he didn't want to bear it for a second!

These insignificant little shrimps are trying to climb up on their heads, so if they step back, wouldn't they be bullied?
These words made He Chen suddenly silent, like a defeated rooster.

"Director Qiu's life principles are really strange. Not only do you have to type reports and write applications, but you also have to look at the actor's position? It's really a big deal!" Yu Jinxiao was not as angry as everyone guessed, and he didn't call anyone on the spot to teach him a lesson. Director Qiu.

In fact, if he wanted to, he could do it.

What a big row?
Qiu Yang's father took a deep breath. Does this mean he is calling him a big player? ?

(End of this chapter)

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