The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 975 Kill Qiu Tyrannosaurus

Chapter 975 Kill Qiu Tyrannosaurus
"Don't let them eat, they will be washed away by hunger, no... isn't it vicious?" Now Yu Yuanyuan was in a daze.

If that's not evil, what is?

Just because someone laughed, it will make them unable to eat, and just thinking about it will make Xiao Zai Zai tremble.

These words were said from the mouth of a child, and there was a special kind of questioning, which made Qiu Tyrannosaurus unable to find an excuse to refute.

There were countless eyes on him around him, like countless sticks poking his skin, making Tyrannosaurus Qiu not want to stay here for another second.

"Qiu Yang, are you going?" He gritted his teeth and asked.

Qiu Yang glanced at Yu Yuanyuan from the corner of his eye, and firmly shook his head: "Don't go."

If he were to leave now, the plan to be friends with the psychic would be back to square one.

Dad was angry vs never having the chance to be friends with superpowers, these two things were quickly weighed in his heart, and the right side clearly had the upper hand.

Qiu Tyrannosaurus was almost pissed off by his son, so he let out a huff and walked away.

When he couldn't see his father's back anymore, Qiu Yang poked his head and asked, "Are you really gone? You won't suddenly kill a carbine to arrest me, right?"

Dad didn't do this kind of thing less, Qiu Yang was still a little uneasy.

He waited carefully for a while, and he felt relieved when he heard the staff say that his father had really driven away.

"I'm sorry, there was a small episode just now," Xie Xin clapped his hands, and changed the mood with a smile, "Let's continue recording now?"

"Okay!" Everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone also didn't want to be affected by the oppressive atmosphere created by Qiu Tyrannosaurus.

"Then how does Kid Qiu Yang plan to choose?" Xie Xin asked with a smile.

When Qiu Yang heard this, he scratched his head in a daze: "What do you choose?"

It was probably because the incident had been going on for so long that he had already forgotten all the choices he had made before the accident.

Xie Xin explained the selection rules. If all votes pass, the average score can be used to ensure that everyone can pass this round of the game smoothly, regardless of ranking.

But if the rankings are divided, Su Zhirui and Ling Zi who are behind will be disadvantaged.

Qiu Yang thought for a while, glanced at Sun Chengyu from the corner of his eye, and secretly at Yu Yuanyuan, and said, "I choose everyone to win together."

"Wow!" Su Zhirui was already happily holding her hands in amazement.

She knew that Qiu Yang was a bad kid in the past, and she also hated Qiu Yang very much, but she didn't expect him to be willing to let everyone win together today.

The staff made urgent calculations, and after a few minutes, the result came out!

"10 minutes and 57 seconds! Everyone wins!" For some reason, Xie Xin felt that when he read out the result, his heart was full of passion, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

Every little friend in front of me seems to be different from the first one.

"Everyone take a break and get ready for the next fun project!"

The staff took them to the rest area, and everyone talked and laughed, and it seemed that the atmosphere was similar to the previous one.

It's just that something is quietly changing.

All the guests no longer intentionally kept a distance from Yu Jinxiao. They chatted, joked, and bad-mouthed Qiu Tyrannosaurus, and they would not deliberately avoid Yu Jinxiao.

After all, in the scolding battle just now, Yu Jinxiao's performance surprised everyone.

It looked like a man with sharp spikes erected, but he didn't kill Qiu Tyrannosaurus in the most direct and violent way.

Instead, he was furious with words, and every rebuttal contained subtle jokes, which made all the guests hold back their laughter.

Without Qiu Tyrannosaurus who was looking for trouble from time to time, everyone felt a lot more at ease, only He Chen didn't seem to be happy.

He squatted on the ground, holding his knees with his hands, like a poor social animal who suddenly lost his job, his eyes stared straight at the ground in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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