Chapter 976

"Brother Haoyi, what's the matter with you?" Even Yu Yuanyuan noticed that something was wrong with him, and squatted beside him with her short legs.

The little round claws patted his arm intimately, again and again, as if they were comforting He Chen in the way others comfort her.

"It''s okay," He Chen struggled to force a smile, but his smile was uglier than crying, "Don't worry, Yuanyuan."

Yu Jinxiao stood aside with folded arms, looking down at the top of He Chen's depressed head indifferently, without saying anything.

Wasn't it brave when you laughed at Qiu Tyrannosaurus just now?

Are you scared again now?

This He Chen is really interesting.

"Brother Yuyi, is it because you laughed at Qiu Yang's father that you...will have nothing to eat in the future?" Yu Yuanyuan looked very sad, and she put her little paw on his head, "Don't be afraid , if you don’t have anything to eat, Yuanyuan can share the rice with you, Yuanyuan... just one bowl is fine!"

Tong Yan Wuji, the innocent words of comfort did not have any real compensation, but it made He Chen suddenly moved.

The little guy squatting in front of him was very serious, as if he made up his mind to speak out after careful consideration.

God knows that Yu Yuanyuan likes to eat so much, she is willing to give him a bowl of rice even if she is hungry!
He Chen's eyes were red, he hugged Yuanyuan, patted that little furry head, and the negative energy in his body was also disappearing.

Even Xiao Zai Zai tried his best to cheer him up, if he continued to hang his head down like this, Yuan Yuan Zai would only be worried.

"It's okay, you eat my brother and me, you won't starve to death no matter what!" He Chen raised his chin triumphantly, and the fear of being threatened by Tyrannosaurus Qiu disappeared.

"Wow, that's great!" Xiao Zaizai jumped up happily, with his arms wide open, "As long as there is food to eat, food is the most important thing!"

The words that seem to be full of innocence actually have an unusual philosophical meaning.

As long as a person can still eat, he will be able to live, and as long as he is alive, he will have the possibility to continue fighting.

He Chen is only in his twenties, wouldn't it be too shameful for him to admit defeat so quickly?

Even God Yuanyuan knows that eating well is the most important thing, why did he make it look like the sky is falling?
He Chen's emotions came and went quickly, he seemed to be dying just now, but now he suddenly revived, as if he had been stabbed with chicken blood.

After the break, Xie Xin took them to the new venue.

These are five concave paths, which are filled with soft balls, not too deep, about to reach about an adult's calf.

It's just that there is a distance of about [-] meters from one end of the path to the other, and there are many large soft building blocks of different shapes piled up beside them.

Xie Xin still asked the guests to guess the gameplay of the game first, but the confusing props and venue made many guests completely unable to guess the idea of ​​the program group.

"Okay, I won't be a fool," Xie Xin asked the staff to demonstrate while explaining, "The big building blocks next to it are props for everyone to spell out a bridge. After spelling out a complete bridge connecting the path, Select people from this group to walk over by drawing lots. If the bridge collapses, it must be rebuilt, and if you successfully walk across the bridge and across the path, you can record the results and judge the ranking according to the completion time."

"Ah? Then if you get an adult, isn't the possibility of collapse too high!" Sun Chengyu's father asked in shock.

Those soft building blocks don't look like they can easily bear the weight of adults.

Xie Xin smiled mysteriously: "When the staff tried it out, they passed it several times successfully. This is a test of everyone's brainpower."

(End of this chapter)

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