The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 977 Scared Meow to Death!

Chapter 977 Scared Meow to Death!

As soon as he heard about brain power, Yu Jinxiao subconsciously looked at two figures beside him, one tall and one short.

One is almost none, and one is approximately equal to zero.

It means that the bridge is all up to him alone.

Yu Jinxiao didn't count on them either.

"Now that everyone understands the rules, then... get ready to start the game!"


Games start!
He Chen and Yu Zaizai rushed towards each other's big soft building blocks, and so did the others.

Many building blocks of different shapes are put together, and whoever grabs it first will use it as a group.

He Chen took a little for each shape, and Xiao Zai Zai was in charge of transportation.

Fortunately, the building blocks are not heavy, and Yu Yuanyuan can barely transport a few of them with one cub.

He Chen even asked Yu Yuanyuan to push two big building blocks with his head. Yu Jinxiao folded his hands and watched coldly, as if he was looking at two little fools.

"Quack quack quack." Yu Zaizai came over with a smile and carried the building blocks, and put the snatched building blocks on the ground.

He Chen also came back with his hand hooking the big and small bags of building blocks, as if asking for credit: "Mr. Yu, why don't I do it?"

"Then you come." Yu Jinxiao nodded.

It seemed like he trusted He Chen, but actually...he just wanted to see what kind of tricks he could play.

Relying on his own wisdom, He Chen put together the building blocks and finally built a crooked bridge.

It's just that this thing looks like a fake and shoddy product!

Yu Jinxiao swears, he will not take this thing! !

"Okay, it's time for the lottery!" He Chen was so confident that he still had the guts to ask the staff to bring the lottery box.

No, I can't wait any longer.

If this goes on like this, the thing is that if he is drawn to walk on the bridge, won't he fall all over in front of the camera?
Yu Jinxiao can't afford to lose this face!
"No, you pile up useless things like this, even Yu Yuanyuan won't be able to walk through." The indifferent voice immediately stopped He Chen's confident yelling.

He Chen was stunned: "Ah? Really?"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Yu Yuanyuan to go up and try it now."

After saying that, Yu Jinxiao had already lifted Zai Zai and placed it on the crooked little bridge.

Xiao Zaizai stayed on it for less than 2 seconds, and the bridge collapsed with a bang. Yu Jinxiao was quick to catch Xiao Zaizai before she fell.

The frightened Yu Zaizai shrank his feet in mid-air, his eyes widened.

Looking at the collapsed bridge, He Chen's self-confidence just now disappeared, and he rubbed his hands and smiled embarrassedly.

Putting Yu Yuanyuan on the ground, Yu Jinxiao took off his suit jacket again, and began to leave the scene himself.

There are many different shapes of the blocks. Make sure to grasp the key points of each different shape to build a "bridge" that is not easy to collapse.

He Chen didn't dare to express his opinion, and obediently squatted on the "shore" to watch.

Xiao Zai Zai also learned the same posture, squatting into a small ball: "Ba Ba~~ Who will let this bridge wait?"

"Of course it's you." Yu Jinxiao replied confidently, as if he had known the result of the lottery in advance.

As soon as he heard that it was him, Xiao Zaizai immediately froze in fright: "Meow??? Yuanyuan won't go!! It's scary to fall!"

The sudden feeling of weightlessness from the bridge just now is really terrifying, it scares me to death!
Yu Jinxiao has already assembled the bridge, squatting down and looking directly at those big eyes full of fear: "The lighter you are, the more advantage you have. Don't you want to win?"

"I want to... Da, but Yuanyuan is also afraid." The squatting little ball explained aggrievedly.

"I promise, it won't collapse this time." Yu Jinxiao patted his head to promise.


"If you'd like to walk the bridge, I'll buy you a cream cake tonight."


(End of this chapter)

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