The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 984 Get used to the atmosphere with Yu Jinxiao

Chapter 984 Get used to the atmosphere with Yu Jinxiao
The others were also amused by the interaction between Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan.

Yu Jinxiao seems to be an unsmiling and even a bit indifferent person, but when he meets Yu Yuanyuan, a cute straight ball, he collides with a particularly interesting spark.

Everyone even began to wonder why Yu Jinxiao chose Yu Yuanyuan for adoption.

There must be a very interesting story in it.

"Today's room selection is successful. As for other private arrangements, you can arrange them yourself. Let's rest for a while now, and we will prepare dinner for everyone!"

After Xie Xin finished speaking, everyone could finally go back to their room and sit comfortably.

The suitcases of Yu Jinxiao, He Chen, and Yu Yuanyuan were sent to the largest three-bed room.

The room is very spacious. There are carpets, heating, and custom-made smart home in the whole house, which can be controlled by voice. Even the bathroom is very spacious and there is a jacuzzi.

The only downside is probably that the scenery outside the window is mediocre. Although there is another big window, it is not a floor-to-ceiling window.

This is also the reason why Yu Yuanyuan liked Room 3 before.

Xiao Zai Zai likes places where she can see beautiful scenery, she is so small, where does she sleep?

It doesn't matter if the room is small.

But she was not the only one who lived together, Yu Jinxiao and He Chen were also living together. Their considerations were different from what Yu Yuanyuan cared about.

After sitting down and resting for less than 10 minutes, Jin Man wandered over.

She had a troubled expression on her face, and she was looking for He Chen at the door, but He Chen was slumped on the sofa, closing his eyes and resting like a dead dog.

Jin Man was lying beside the door, and was caught by Yu Jinxiao's cold eyes as soon as she appeared.

"He Chen, someone is looking for you."

As soon as Yu Jinxiao opened his mouth, the voice seemed to radiate a rainstorm of pear blossoms and prick He Chen's body, and he immediately jumped up from the sofa.

Seeing the golden man at the door, He Chen immediately walked out.

"Is something wrong?"

"You just said that Yuanyuan and Ruirui's fathers should be changed, is that true?" Jin Man asked a little embarrassedly.

When He Chen heard this, he glanced at Yu Jinxiao, as if he was waiting for his answer.

But Yu Jinxiao didn't answer, which made He Chen a little afraid to make a decision.

"Yes, yes, it's Baba who said it~~" Little Qiuqiu, who was sitting on the carpet, got up and happily ran over to hug Jinman, "Yuanyuan can sleep with Ruirui or Sister Man today~ Hey Hehe~ isn't it, Baba?"

Yu Jinxiao was arranging his luggage, he didn't lift his head, he looked careless, but he replied with a loud voice: "Yes."

Very good!
With Yu Jinxiao's affirmation, the matter is considered finalized.

Su Zhirui's father also thinks this is the best way, but he is not familiar with He Chen and Yu Jinxiao, so he is too embarrassed to come forward, so he encourages Jin Man to come over and find out.

After receiving the good news, Jin Man immediately went back to share the information, and the happiest was Su Zhirui.

Hearing that Yuanyuan was going to sleep with her at night, Su Zhirui was so happy that she rolled on the big bed.

Like a little Wang Wang who suddenly eats delicious food, he has to roll a few times on the ground to release his good mood.

Su Zhirui's father packed his luggage, planning to go there first to get used to the atmosphere with Yu Jinxiao.

Yu Jinxiao didn't go out in person, but asked Yu Yuanyuan to go there with her small suitcase.

"Su Susu is good~~" In the corridor, Yu Yuanyuan saw Su Zhirui's father coming towards him, and greeted him politely.

"Yuanyuan is good~" Su Zhirui's father knew Yu Yuanyuan a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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